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Dirty Martha

Noun: A crafty, creative project or product that is risquΓ© or lewd in nature. Named for Martha Stewart, queen of domesticity and creativity (who might be in touch with her inner bad girl...she HAS been to the big house).

I decided to do a dirty Martha and made a batch of penis-shaped cookies to impress my friends.

by Naughty Counselor September 12, 2008

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

martha's vineyard

An island, off the coast of Massachusetts//Cape Cod. Look people, I live there. And by live there I do not mean that I stay for a week in the summer, I don't mean that i stay for 6 weeks in the summer and the occasional memorial day weekend. I LIVE there. Eat, sleep, go to school, play sports, ON MARTHA'S VINEYARD. And for the record, if you're one of those people who thinks everyone who lives there is a rich snob, you can stay at one of your other 5 houses, because i probably hate you, as well as most of the people i know. kay thanks.

Martha's Vineyard is way better than the Nantucket GAY-lers.

Hmm. We are nice normal people who want to go on a nice vacation with other nice normal people. Let's go to martha's vineyard.

by waybored April 8, 2006

72πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Martha dumptruck

Martha dumptruck is a fugly chick in the 80s movie Heather's, and the 21th century musical that reprised it. Popularized by the tiktok meme powered by the Heather's musical

Heather: Martha dumptruck in the flesh, here comes the cootie squad.

Heather2: Shut up Heather

Heather: Sorry Heather

by GoldenScratch October 28, 2019

30πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Mary Martha

A like in a world full of darkness. A beautiful girl with a beautiful name and beautiful personality. She’s the type of person everyone immediately loves. Always the favourite of parents and teacher. Contagious smile, gets all the boys, all in all amazing. She had a heart for God in a world full of corruption. She loves everyone no matter what. She will go on immediate full on defence mode if any one says anything bad about one of her friends (according the friend themselves). She makes everyone feel better about themselves and spreads God’s love with everyone. If you have a Mary Martha in your life consider yourself the luckiest person on earth.

Everyone loves Mary Martha.

by October 21, 2020

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Martha(s) - Abbrviated and more endearing form of "Mother Fuckers"; A person or a group of people who you are pissed at, excited to see, or just a name to call people/friends.

Hey! I thought you Marthas would never get here.

by Hannah's Mom April 2, 2005

71πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Martha the beautiful

She is amazing, kind and smart. She will always pick the weebs to be her boyfriend and is currently dating Murray. She loves him very much even known he hangs around with his friends more then her, Especially Hannah and Isla B. She is amazing and pretty and the best person ever you should be friends with a girl called Martha.

Love Martha the beautiful a lot because she has abusive parents. Donate Β£200 a month to help children in need like Martha x

by person who writes definoitonss December 23, 2020

Martha Stewart

I fucked her side piece Emma Watson

P1: Have you seen Martha Stewart??
Me: No, but I’ve been fucking her sidepiece

by thisbussylikesfruitsnaccs May 14, 2021