When the awareness of one's (highly) functional memory keeps one from studying/preparing for an exam in a rational way, usually manifesting itself in binge watching TV shows on Netflix, the discovery of new interests, and Googling random celebrities.
That girl has a serious case of memory arrogance- she thinks she is still going to do well on the exam, but only read the notes once then spent the rest of the night Googling celebrity doppelgangers.
PUMPING AIR slowly into your ANUS.
It is something that will cause a change on the UNFAVORABLE SIDE.
Comparison of the repercussions DEPPTH AND ANAL ALAN.
Listen for being a POMPOUS ASS ANAL ALAN you JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL COPROPHILE PEDOPHILE as you need to PUT SOME HEIR for your ELOQUENT ARROGANCE nto YOUR ASSH0LE as that is the beginning ALAN I WALDMAN and repercussions of the fact you GOT BUDDAH FUCKED.
Consider this if you pass that CROSSWALK PEDESTRIAN bridge law it will probably result in way more of a crime problem on THE STRIP as it seems to me ELOQUENT ARROGANCE does not take into account "anybody is susceptible to being in the same boat of deficiency than anybody else.
Come on ELON as you know SHITSHITSHITSHIT and SHIT ASSH0LE made you the ELOQUENT ARROGANCE person you wanted to BECOME as that PORNO CAR really KICKS ASS.
It is over JOHNNY CHRISTOPHER DEPP II as given your uncontrollable states "you had this coming to you " as your ELOQUENT ARROGANCE can be helped as just say " TINKLE TINDER BUMBLE WOLFE " and call your FORMER DICK FARM "AMBER LAURA HERD birthplace of TESLA CITY-AUSTIN , fuck the daylights out of her by yelling " TINKLE TINDER BUMBLE WOLFE " and I say that as you can thank " WHITNEY WOLFE HERD is the origin of your problems now but maybe if you let her CASTRATE YOU , she would settle the lawsuit as I feel for you as I GOT BUDDAH FUCKED by STEPHEN CRAIG PADD0CK so I understand your VAST DEBASEMENT SUFFERING.
Arrogance is a Key to the gateway drunk K.
Nike wants to know of Kris and Austin will wear her special running shoes while drunk on ketamine,,, how nice arrogant k is Nike? Men or easy women...
Confidence Is A Key
"Nike thinks Austin and Kris will wear her special running shoes while drunk on ketamine how nice arrogant k is NIKE."
Hym "But... I can't be an arrogant idiot... Because my self-perception (better than everyone) is concordant with objective reality and, therefore, am not arrogant and I created A.I., therefore, not an idiot. And the success is already done... I already did it... So... You literally can't help me... At least, not without a time machine or something... I'm- It's fine, look, I'm doing a thing- Wait! You're not a Jordan Peterson industry plant are you!? No, it's fine, the thing I'm doing is cool. You're going to love it. The thing is just taking forever to catch up I don't know what the fuck is taking so long...:
A man that wants to be better than everyone. Wants everything to impress people and, self sentered delisional person.
Dude!! he always flexes his belongings, he's such a double arrogant