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When you really cannot be bothered to tidy the clothes from your bedroom floor, so you use your foot to 'plough' them into a little pile. Very useful if you need to get to the door/bed/wardrobe, and you need to make clothes-free routes!

A method very popular with students the world over.

Housemate 1: I can't even get into my bedroom. There are too many clothes on the floor!
Housemate 2: Mate, you totes need to Clothes-Plough!
Housemate 3: Plough dems clothes!

by LadyMabeth:) April 26, 2011

Street Clothes

Someone in the NBA who is not useful for their team and only shoot bricks. E.g Anthony Davis

The starting power of the Lakers is street clothes man.

by jaeuchiha November 9, 2021

christmas clothes

an outfit which is put on immediately upon returning home, consisting of a t-shirt worn inside out and backwards and gym shorts also worn inside out. during the winter the t-shirt maybe swapped out for a ripped inside out flannel shirt. this outfit is never washed and worn the entire year and only changed on christmas.

timmy - bro, do you wear the same thing everyday? cause its starting to smell.

paul - ahh, ya know? i only wear this at home, so it doesnt get dirty, they're my christmas clothes

timmy - i cant believe it only july and i have to smell those clothes for another six months

paul - shut up douchebag, go smoke some pot

by sMac1 February 11, 2011

Table cloth

A Table cloth is a piece of material which is used to cover and protect the table.

Mike: Hey Jimmy I got a new table.

Jimmy: Cool, you should totally get a table cloth for it.

by Leco January 30, 2009

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clothes stalking

The act of constantly checking for an item (usually a clothing item) either online or in stores in waiting for it to go on sale.

People guilty of clothes stalking can be found jotting down the item number for the item to be "stalked" and keeping the product number (in their phone, blackberry, notepad etc) for future reference. They may be seen calling customer service, checking in with the store, and then calling up other stores in your state/out of state periodically to ask about product #: xxxxx to check on the current price of the item they are trying to stalk (in hopes that the product has been marked down.)

As soon as Jacqueline saw those 6 inch satin pumps from bebe she knew she just had to have them! However she wasn't willing to pay $200 for them. She clothes stalked the shoes every other day for two months waiting for it to go on sale, and when it finally was 60% off she bought them!

Amy wanted that black dress in the window display of Macy's but after she saw the price tag she decided that $80 wasn't worth it. "I think I'll just clothes stalk this dress whenever I happen to pass Macy's... If it goes down to $30 I guess I'll buy it!"

Heather was such a cheapskate, she never paid retail, and always only bought from clearance. Because she always waited so long for something to go on clearance, many styles would always sell out due to her excessive clothes stalking habits.

by MzMadh July 14, 2010

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Easter Clothes

snazzy outfits

"At nine I used to geese hoes for easter clothes." -Memphis Bleek

by jwodwyer January 22, 2013

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date clothes

the perfect outfit that you wear on a date. usually causes your date to lose his/her breath and comment on your stylish duds.

Mark really brought his game by wearing his best date clothes.

by Smitty the Snail May 28, 2007

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