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Giving a lot of unnecessary information.

Mansplaining: "In the colder months it is best to keep the heat between 68 and 70 so the already overworked HVAC doesn't crap out anymore than it already does. In warmer months keep the cool air between 71 and 74 for similar reasons.

It's supposed to warm up to the 70s some this week but it will likely be best we just keep the heat at 68-70 all week so the cycling is at a minimum.

This serves two purposes: Keeping us all (relatively) comfortable and giving the HVAC less work so it runs a little smoother and lowers our electricity bill."

by turncoattellis October 22, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


To explain something in an unnecessarily long winded way, so as to dominate the conversation, and to make statements that are not based on facts, assuming that people will believe and agree with him because he is male.

"The recession was caused by the government because it spent too much money and people should look after themselves and not expect society to look after its members or its community... ad nauseam.
...Therefore its all womens fault."


by lifelimbo January 29, 2011

1934๐Ÿ‘ 13968๐Ÿ‘Ž


When person A (someone of any sex or gender) attempts to explain something to person B in an area of person B's expertise. Often this happens in a arrogant and condescending way because person A has the assumption that he/she/they are more logical or smart than person B, even though person A has spent far less time contemplating the subject and doesn't know more about it than any other layperson.

Person B: Throughout a considerable portion of my life I've struggled with depression.
Person A: You should just think positive! Depression is simply the result of negative thinking.
Person B: It's not that simple. I know this isn't the solution not only through personal experience, but I also wrote my dissertation around this subject, as you are well aware. You should look up 'mansplaining' so you'll realize that this kind of behavior isn't helpful--it will just make people roll their eyes at you.

by catacombcat October 1, 2015

470๐Ÿ‘ 3749๐Ÿ‘Ž


Despite claims of superior strength in avoiding over-emotional reactions, when a man encounters even one iota of criticism of men on the internet, he must then mansplain why women suck by comparison or must be radical feminists.

Mansplain--to put women down in response to criticism.

Even though Mansplain only points out a specific aspect of what some men do but not in every context, explainerOrMansplainer and Wicker33 were so overcome by the inability to accept criticism and had to condescendingly mansplain how women must be either dumb; (ironically) unable to take criticism (derp!); or should be dismissed as radical.

by Point_Proven April 8, 2011

1639๐Ÿ‘ 13602๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a male incorrectly assumes that he knows more about a topic that the other person in a conversation, usually a younger woman. Then, proceeds to explain the topic in a condescending tone, as if the other person has no knowledge on the topic and is generally ill-informed.

Did you see him mansplaining the refugee crisis to Amal Clooney? What a moron.

by urbanannie June 15, 2017

95๐Ÿ‘ 703๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) When a man who has no expertise in something tells a female, who is an expert how something works, is, or came to be. 2) When a man repeats what has just been said by a woman and presents it as his own idea 3) when men can't stand anything that questions their egos and thus change the meaning of terms so they don't look like idiots.


1) Can you believe that man who knows nothing about math physics, or engineering just mansplained the woman who works at NASA on how rockets work?

2) When men steal ideas and words out of the mouth of women and then proceed to present them as their own in a condescending manner that's mansplaining
3) He then proceeded to define mansplaining to her.

by Not a mainsplainer March 11, 2017

317๐Ÿ‘ 2661๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a man attempts to explain to a woman her own job/ idea back at her then gets offended because they don't understand how smart they are. Often used as a term by women to try to explain to men how offensive and derogatory this behaviour is, but taken personally by insecure men who are afraid of treating women equally with respect. These men typically try to use Feminism - the belief that women should be treated with equality - as a bad word. The fact that being sexist is just as bad as being racist is not likely to occur to mansplaining men.

"She said I was mansplaining but I was just stating an idea I had - not sure where it came from, she was talkin ga minute ago about something, but you know women..always talking or nagging."

by Reallyareyouthatinsecure June 11, 2017

82๐Ÿ‘ 637๐Ÿ‘Ž