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A website orginally created for bands to put up ads free. But is now american teen's favorite online hangout.Where people have a unrealstic amount of friends. Everyone has a Myspace or is told constantly to get one. Also people spend unhealth amount of time on the site checking their mail every second, uploading pictures, or perfecting their profile. Everyone post 98576x bulletins ordering everyone else to comment their new picture that looks like the other 10 but has one thing changed. And where people try to find their soulmate and find up finding a 40 year old perv.

Almost everyone in my school has a MySpace.
If you don't you are socially outcasted.

by Poetic Soul March 2, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A site which seems to be teeming with emo sterotypes.

Full of people constantly begging to be added/whored/commented etc. so they can prove to the world just how popular they really are. (yeh right)

Please add me to your myspace. haha.

by the_end_is_nigh (myspace) August 2, 2005

236๐Ÿ‘ 192๐Ÿ‘Ž


Possibly the most pointless website on the net, people who use it are either:
1. emo
2. scene
3. would like to be either of the above
People who use Myspace compete to see how many "friends" they have, by adding people they have never and will never meet. You can usually find pathetic little comments on my space like "awwwh so cute *pokes* hehehehehe"

Myspace whore - "OMG lolz i haf got 300 frends on myspace olol"
Socialy Accepted Human- "How many of these people do you actually know then?"
Myspace whore - "stfu lol one of dem is ma gurlfrend, i met her on myspace"

by Rich Seeley iPhoenix August 19, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A website created in 2003 by Tom Anderson of UCLA to help young adults who are out of school meet each other and for bands to post information about each other to reach new fans.

2. Opening the floodgates to ones private life.

3. Reconnecting with people that you don't really want to see again, or that you don't want them to know about you.

4. A place to post suggestive pictures at angles that will make you look attractive.

5. A place where lonely, socially-inept people spend gobs of time.

6. A place to boast your ego by competing with others about how many friends you have, how many comments you have, posting pointless surveys, describing yourself as "I'm a good looking boy/girl, who hates drama, loves Europe, doesn't know if he/she is straight/gay/bi, finds religion passe, etc." To top it off, a blog where you can bitch about how much life sucks, parents suck, boys suck, girls suck, job sucks, etc.

7. A sad excuse to developing real, geniune friendships and relationships.

8. A way to avoid conflict by sending messages or threats through myspace in place of face to face contact.

9. A website loaded with errors.

10. A pedophiles best friend.

11. A way for potential employers to find out how drunk you get, how high you get, how you love to party, how you play hokey, etc.

12. A site loaded with pages that can cause seizures.

13. A site loaded with advertising where you can "win" a cell phone by pushing the button to "help Bush outknit Sadaam!"

14. A site that can freeze or lock your computer.

15. A way to find people to hook up or date, a blind date set-up, even people from thousands of miles away who one person goes to meet the other, they feel they have "chemistry", decide to leave their secure home, get married... and realize the nightmare they have gotten themselves into.

16. A religion with the god of Tom.

17. The worst addiction next to drugs.

18. The downfall of mankind.

19. A haven for grammar and spelling errors.

20. A place to see "true" ads, with a girl licking a lollypop, showing her boobs, wanting to "chat".

21. A way to totally screw up your life (lose your job, lose your "true" friends, not go out, have anyone around the world find out about you, have no privacy, etc.)

22. A place where you can be "friends" with a celebrity.

23. Another thing that is adding to the lazy epidemic in America.

24. A place to make yourself much cooler than you really are.

25. A sign of the apocolypse.

Save yourself, DON'T get a Myspace, or CLOSE your account. Be a normal human being. Have a private life. Develop close relationships that matter. Go outside. Socialize. Enjoy nature. Travel. Explore your city. You'll be much better off.

Forget it Doctor, it's too late. He/she has a bad case of MySpace.

by kingbk05 May 11, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place where you can meet new people, or keep in touch with old friends. Sadly, the site was immediately taken over by all sorts of bad kids, who like to refer to themselves as scenesters, when in fact, they are all just little kids under the age of eighteen, wishing they could get as many friends to comment on their profile as bands such as MCR and The Used have.... Giving the rest of the MySpacers bad names.

Thanks a lot, fuckers.

MySpace: A Place For Friends.

by PurplePenguins February 4, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A website that is viewed as a place where stupid 14 year old whores and idiots with no life go and attempt to add as many friends and gain as many picture comments as possible. Unfortunatly, this is fairly true. BUT, this does not mean that every person is like that. There are some people (unfortunatly in the minority) that actually use myspace with some signs of a working brain. These are the people that generally have smaller friend counts (dunno what would be a good example number, I guess I'll use mine, which would be 43, although some of them are dead files that got phished or something) are actually honest about what they put in what they like, such as music and whatnot, and don't have a whole bunch of crap on their profile. These people have some sense, and don't waste time finding friends and demanding pic comments every minute. Basically, people with actual lives outside the computer.

Just on a little side not, I had myspace open in another tab, and refreshing it to wait for a message. Not from some dumb whore on the other side of the United States, but from one of my friends that I see and hang out with frequently, because we are talking about something somewhat logical. Basically something that isn't "OMG!!!1!! COMMENT MAH PICS YO!! I COMMENT BACK PC4PC!!"

So basically, its a place filled with attention whores, but there are also people who actually use it as a means of sending things to your friends (actual people that you know!!) that you didn't have time to do when hanging with them in person, or a way to talk to someone that moved away for example. Not everyone is a stupid whore, there are people with some sense in the world. AMAZING ISN'T IT?!?

Me: Hey dude, you get that link I sent you on myspace?
Friend: Yeah, thanks man. Now I can find out the info for the concert.
myspace whore: OMG!! I herd the word "myspace"!! You guys have one?! YOU SHOULD ADD ME!!
Me: Umm....do we even know you?
myspace whore: Nope, but you can get to know me on myspace!! Besides, I need more friends anyway, 1000+ friends isn't high enough.
Me: Riiigghht.....we'll work on that...
Me: Alright, lets see if I got anything on myspace. *logs on* Ok, new message, hey a friend request. Let's see......aaaannd its that one chick...*DENIED* Ok, I'll just check that message, then log off and work on my stick animation.

by D. B. O. September 5, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


a place for people to go and post stuff about them thats probally not even true, just so they can make some 'friends'. a place for people to post blogs about how much thier life sucks, or about what they did over the weekend. a place for people to post bullitens about how many new pictures they have, or about how 'toms shutting down myspace, so hurry and send this to 435029 people.' & a place where people can take random pictures that bearly just shows half of thier faces, so they can post them and see how many comments they can get saying how hott they are.

hey i have new pictures, and thier lonely! GO COMMENT!!!!!! i promiseee i'll comment back!

by Alanna-Joy May 30, 2005

44๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž