Source Code

Finger Blending

I. When you stick a finger in yours / someone else's asshole and twirl your finger

2. When you don't have a wisk and you mix everything with your finger

Guy: Oh man! We don't have any toys!

Guy 2: you know.. We could always try finger blending!

by The.Cooking.Show.2g1c. February 23, 2016

Blended Family Four By Four Bubblegum Smack: The First Juvenile Release.

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Blended Family Four By Four Bubblegum Smack: The First Juvenile Release.

by Maternal-Fetal-Medicine February 10, 2025

Premium Blend

When you put 50 percent weed and 50 percent tobacco in a grinder, grind it up and take, moles, mokes, spliff bowls or smoke spliffs with it.

Weed guy: You want a snap bro?!?
Bro: Yeah sure!
Weed guy: Shit is gas gas strait up premium blend in this bitch!
Bro: Takes snap: LFG premium blend is no joke!

by Premium Blend Guy December 12, 2022

Blend Buddy

Blend Buddy (As defined by Nacho King.) 1. To be a blend buddy; he is a blend buddy. 2. From the word "Blender" - To blend; To hang around people you don't specifically know, but attempt interaction to make friends with a group of people, and then end up looking around for another group to try to make friends with, thus creating a "Blend Buddy".
3. A friend that isn't your friend. 4. A person that you just hang around, even if they hate you. 5. Known as moronic at some moments.

"Look at that guy hanging around that group of people and going to another group. That Samson has no friends, but he has a lot of blend buddies.

by Nacho King December 4, 2003

blend my socks

When you are just so mad at something, you can’t help but want to blend your socks

The act of putting socks in the blender due to rage

That post was so idiotic it made me want to blend my socks

by Soulflared April 9, 2022

splendid blended

something that is pleasant, delightful, or tasty.

"This pizza is splendid blended."

"For sure-o."

by Sir Pizza July 16, 2008

hillbilly blend

Something prisoners will make to get high

Yo, how much hillbilly blend you got

by minidoone777 April 16, 2018