Source Code

What's Crackin'?

Street Slang Meanin' What's Goin' On?, What's Happenin'? What's Up?, Whazz Up?, Whazzup?, Wassup?, Waddup?, Sup?, Sup Witchu?, Sup Witcha?, What's Hanninan?, What's Good?, What's Goodie?, What's Gucci?, What's Goy?, How Are You Doin'?, How Yew Doin'?, How Are You?, How Yew?, How Are You Feelin'?, How Yew Feelin'?, What's Trendin'?, What's New With You?, What's New With Yew?, What's New Witchu? & What's New Witcha?

Yo Cam'Ron aka Killa & Killa Cam!! What's Crackin'? Nuffin. Erstreet At Ever Soo Much At Ever Str8 Thuggin', Ever Str8 Stuntin' & Ever Livin' Life Fully." - Erstreet Harlem aka Harlem, Flea, Kiery Weiry & Freshley.

by Hzr February 25, 2022

what's crackin?

1) a way of saying hello to someone.
2) an insult to a fat person saying it

Paul: what's crackin?
Stevie: The floor fat bitch

by waffleslol December 14, 2020

crackin plur

Crackin plur means Good player.
If MAAATIIIC scores a goal for you in FIFA you can shout out loud CRAAAACKIIIN PLUUUUR


by Crackin pluuuur July 18, 2017

Crackin' Rig

When a person has a nice ass, bum, bottom, behind, booty, rear end, posterior etc. Usually used to describe women.

She had a crackin' rig

by killajr July 4, 2011

howz it crackin

what is up? how is it going? hello man. how are you doing?

Pete said to the DJ howz it crackin brother.

by eg2nr June 6, 2010

man crackin

Mouth full of dishsoap, crack their butt with a wooden spoon

Keep talking filth, and you're gonna get a man cracking

by scorcharific October 24, 2020