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Brian Peppers

Possibly the ugliest/coolest guy ever. A convicted sex offender, he has an abnormal appearance. Brian Peppers has become a recent internet celebrity as people have been accessing his photo through a sex offender database.

Nickname: "BeeP"

(* = offender)


by soliloquy April 2, 2005

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grind the pepper

placing both hands on the penis and sliding them in alternate directions of a twisting nature during a blowjob

i wont date a girl unless she can grind the pepper

by donjuandelanuche July 21, 2011

Pepper Gold

An amazingly flavorful alcoholic mix drink featuring bacardi gold and Dr. Pepper. This shit will get you fucked up.

Why are you guys drinking that pussy ass shit when you could be getting fucked up off Pepper Gold?

by Kevin Van Hook and Zach Converse July 10, 2006

find the pepper

in search of finding an answer to a question, issue, or problem.

COME ON BOYS lets find the pepper!

by pawkchalk April 16, 2013

Pepper knoppkers

Pepper Knoppkers - a slang term meaning "pepperoni nipples."

Typically reserved for the largest & meatiest of pepperoni nipples.

The top 0.00001% of circumference, these pepperoni nipples are no longer 'nipples' - they are "knoppkers."

They sat in the moonlight. "are you ready, Christine?" he asked. "Yes" - she whispered.

He slowly slid off her shirt, unbuttoning her bra in one clean movement.

The moon shone down - revealing not nipples, but a pair of pepper knoppkers.

"Ew bitch" he exclaimed.

"what?" Christine asked, horrified.

"those are nasty I'm going home."

by lydiajones_03 February 25, 2022

with a grain of pepper

Taking shit seriously.

Yo. I mean it with a grain of pepper

by TheRealestRealDictionary June 14, 2019

2166๐Ÿ‘ 546๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sergeant Pepper

Nickname given to another person in a social setting to casually and delicately inform that person that he or she has food stuck between his or her teeth.

Me: "Liz, you are Sergeant Pepper."
Liz: "Really? I have food in my teeth?"
Me: "Yes. You have some pepper stuck between your top central incisors."

by jredman January 24, 2014

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