Source Code

Told me to die

Asking for cuddles

You told me to die so yes

by Kato yami November 22, 2021

God told me to do it

I HAVE to do it guys!

Hym "God told me! God told me to do it I just, I don't know, I just have to do it, right?"

by Hym Iam August 18, 2024

sad story told twice

Sad story told twice is a reference to having a similar background or upbringing as another person. You've heard it before. Father walked out because of drugs, ect.

She was a sad story told twice.

by SeaSkye January 7, 2017

told you i

the overused name people use in Among Us whenever they're voted out just for the game to say these two messages when they are voted out
Not an Impostor:
told you i was not an impostor
told you i was an impostor

guy 1: i set name as told you i
guy 1 gets voted out*
game: told you i was not an impostor
guy 2: b r u h

by PalkiaTurned8-bit January 21, 2021

i told you to smile

Roblox urban legend

If you play a horror game like the mimic and see blood on the door if you open it you will get jumpscared by I told you to smile after that when you sleep you will hear I told you to smile whispering and then at 3 AM you will be killed by I told you to smile and hw will draw a smile on your face with your blood

by Kolby Michael Twndy August 12, 2022

Wu. It works. I told you it would.

Wu. It works. I told you it would.

Wu. It works. I told you it would.

by Gothic Miscreant October 8, 2023

Told you so

It would be helping if you weren't a retard....

Hym "Cus it looks like the thing I said... You know how rare that is? Isn't that rare? For a teenager to develop a form of schizophrenia? Doesn't schizophrenia usually not develop until people are in their 20s?"

A fucking retard "PeOpLe ArE gRiEvInG!"

Hym "They wouldn't be grieving if you weren't a fucking retard and you did the words I said properly! I said several things that would have stopped that and you were too fucking retarded to do it right. That's what this is. You don't want to have to admit you're being a bitch about your kid and your fat cock and you being a filth slut so not with want me being right to not translate to any material gain for me... But YOU... Are a retarded bitch! So why should what you want to happen... Happen? I'M not a retarded bitch! The other guy did the words I said and the AI works now! The OTHER guy did the words I said and is a multimillionaire. YOU want you to be right in the absence of you actually being right so you can continue to be a bitch about your kids whenever you feel like it without anybody being able to say anything about it. And you're doing that because you're a retarded bitch. Stop being a retard-bitch, bitch. I did told you so. We aren't going to sit here and pretend I didn't. I was and it does. End of discussion."

by Hym Iam February 11, 2025