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Star Whackers

1. The secret society of lawyers, movie critics and chiropractors that actor Randy Quaid and his plain Jane wife, allege are after them. 2. A series of Stars Wars themed Bukkake films.

1. "We are refugees in Canada... The Star Whackers want to kill us... They killed Heath Ledger and David Carradine."
-- Randy Quaid rambling to some reporter in Canada.


some perv: Star Whackers is the only porn film to truly capture George Lucas's Star Wars.

by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 2, 2010

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Bush Whackers

guys who somehow come to your party (typically through lame chicks or dudes you know) and proceed to scare off all the eligible poon tang. They are obnoxious and never welcome as the ladies at your party will slowly disappear thanks to these guys.

We had some hot chicks here untill those fucking Bush Whackers came over.

by SwishyManPants April 21, 2009

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Weed Whacker

A person (usually male) who tends to masturbate after smoking marijuana

I turn into a Weed Whacker after smoking pot

by Mikey69Scmitty April 7, 2018

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Weed Whacker

One who gets high and beats off.

"You were gone awhile...what are you, some kind of weed whacker?"

by WheedWhacker23 September 19, 2015

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pasty whacker

Term used to describe a fat person or a wanker.

"Tim, put down that burger you pasty whacker!"

by ThatGuyHelm January 29, 2016

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doodle whacker

a) the art of 'wanking'

b) an insult

Steffehh: OI BITCH!
Bitch: WHAT?
Steffehh: YOU ALSO SUCK!
Bitch: .... *CRIES*

by S t e f f e h . T e h . S h e x October 26, 2007

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1. A male who has an obsession with masterbation

Damn Jake! Youre such a tally-whacker! Dont you ever take you hands out of your pants?!

by Ryan May 7, 2004

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