When you no longer have eyebrows, either because you were born without them, have trichotillomania and picked them out, or are a true freak like Whoopi Goldberg and find the shaved eyebrow look aesthetically pleasing.
Eric: Did you hear about the bet between Steve and Joe?
Josh: Yeah and clearly Steve lost because he's the one rocking the Whoopi.
Having an exceptionally "smart" look on your face after doing something dumb, like the goofy old 70s nigger cartoons.
She was amused at the whoopy-look on Beth's face after being caught in a lie.
When your girlfriend won’t let you smash so you just suck each other off instead.
She won’t have sex, we just make whoopie.
Having sex while eating a dessert pie and thinking of Whoopi Goldberg
I enjoyed the would Whoopie lastnight
When you get your significant other to blow into your ass and without moving fart back into her mouth , repeat process
demarkusaun:What did you do last night with klushaundra?
Demandre: you ever heard of the Southern Whoopie Cushion?
It is similar to a cream pie, but done in the rectal cavity.
Dude that girl was crazy, she was doing all sorts of stuff. After doing some anal, the night ended in a whoopiee pie.
When you break wind into a woman’s vagina and she then queefs it out
Watch out for Christine, she’s always up for a Portuguese whoopie cushion