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you know why I said that right?

Common phrase heard from Norman "Nick". He says this whenever he wants to place emphasis on something that he just said. Usually, he'll say this after he says something that he considers to be bold and will want to flex what he just did.

Norman "Nick":" I just read this entire book in one night"
Henry: "Ok?"
Norman "Nick": "You know why I said that right?"
**the whole time, Norman β€œNick” was trying to flex that he read a book and did something productive**

by TurnM3Up April 16, 2020

Do you know who I am?

A line often uttered by self-absorbed asshats who feel they are being wronged by someone in a particular situation. History often proves that these douchebags, who might have an extremely low level of fame that most people are unaware of, are being treated on equal footing with the rest of the general public. This angers them even more.

BOUNCER: You're going to have to leave this club, sir.

DOUCHE: Wait a minute, wait a minute...do you know who I am?

BOUNCER: No. Get the fuck out of my face.

by Slow Motion March 11, 2009

62πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

I'll have you know that I was drunk

Excuse for the most embarrasing acts one can do. Often ends with: at the time of the fight, mooning, streaking, gay orgy, party, chumba wumba dance, felching, belching, farting, public Defecation, vomiting, monkey licking, pole humping, and the list goes on and on. Sometimes said as: I'll have you know that me and: the monkey, sasquatch, your girlfriend, or monkey sasquatch girlfriend, were both drunk at the time. If you're a recovering alcoholic, don't use it after you beat the crap out of a liquor store owner.

I'll have you know that I was drunk at the time of the floor buffer incident.

by Jim E. Junk March 6, 2006

57πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

The long neverending demented cartoon movie that lasts almost like, half a fucking HOUR, damn you! I hate myself, go to hell. 400000004!

I don't know, I'm just really, really drunk.

You looked this up?

by ACDC FOREVAR!!!111 May 19, 2004

184πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Do you like how I walk?

Do you like how I talk?

Do you like how I walk?
Do you like how I talk?
Do you like how my face
Disintegrates into chalk?

by stevegaming1483 April 13, 2021

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

You throw 5 I throw 10

You spin for me I’ll spin for you

If we catch an opp on the street you throw 5 I throw 10

by Spitsumfaccts October 22, 2022

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Do you know who I am?

Line used a lot by celebrities and members. Of the divadom to assert themselves when in public. Reese witherspoon used this line a few years ago when she was picked
Up for drunken driving. The charging officer.
Did not recognize her so he Introduced. Himself to her and proceeded with charges

Do you know who I am? The angry business man yelled at the poor hapless gate agent at the airline departure gate the female agent not missing a beat keyed. Her mic and said:"ladies and gentlemen there's a man here at the gate who has no idea who he is! Can anyone come forward and claim same?"

by 4realazitgits April 4, 2021