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turtle ryan

the best fortnite player ever better than ninja and in the clan infinity he beat all fortnite players in a 1v1 with a pickaxe and won 20000 times and is friends with sashasuishi101 burning fyre and panda squadron recently added lazarlazar.

ninja sucks turtle ryan is the best

by turtle ryan November 28, 2018

Real Ryan

The product research, stemming from countless Ryan prototypes (many of which are still being manufactured), Jesus's left arm and a strand from God's Holy Beard. He was created in bio-weapons factory, where his DNA was altered to match that of a Demi-God. Raised on a Chupacabra's breast milk, he slowly settled on a diet of Minotaur meat and a protein supplement meant for a troll. After his child days were over his training would commence. Endless resistance training, with MMA lessons intermingled. He became a super-being, resembling a super saiyan at age 15. Slowly but surely Real Ryan was formed, a being of absolute raw power. Although his identity is still a mystery, men and women alike wait for the unveiling of Real Ryan. For it will bring about the age of Real Ryan.

Sexiness is defined by its Ryaness. For all things awesome are defined by their Ryaness.

Real Ryan will usurp the crown as the Aesthetic King.

by The Junior Real Ryan October 8, 2011

Ryan Seacrest

The act of cutting to a commercial break exactly when the show is at the peak point of suspense.

That show just pulled a total Ryan Seacrest

by HarlemShakesTooMuch January 6, 2015

Ryan Allnut

A person with seven butt cheeks

That person has 7 buttcheeks he is such a Ryan Allnut

by Grandpa Jeff February 8, 2018

Ryan Scott

An unbelievably amazing person who will always support you and your decisions. Who ever has Ryan will be the happiest person alive. He makes his girl feel the happiest and is so handsome. He doesn’t realize this about himself but he is so amazing. He really doesn’t understand that if he never came around you how much your life would change. His smile is contagious and he makes his girl feel so amazingly happy

Ryan Scott, I love you baby

by Ry!$e October 24, 2018

Ryan poke

when someone acts like a gay pervert and will swoop in and steal your man with his epic dab moves and fuck him while you watch

stop being a ryan poke
joe just pulled a ryan poke on my boyfriend

by mysteriousmist January 24, 2020

Ryan Waffle

A spineless guy who in this case happens to be named Ryan. Note, waffling is not limited to Ryan, but currently, in my experience, he is the reigning champion.

Jade deserves better than a Ryan Waffle.

by The Mike K November 14, 2020