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Trouser leg

Someone who is about as much use as a third trouser leg...

Gilbert,he's a trouser leg. Absolutely useless...

by TrousersPants September 15, 2018

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Banana legs

When you become so intoxicated that your legs physically became the shape of a banana and you can't walk.

Banana legs- Yeah Rayna got us kicked out last night because she was banana legging on the bouncer

by Banana legs June 12, 2015

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Mare's leg

Originally used to refer to a cut-down/shortened lever-action rifle without a stock. Modern usage indicates any lever-action weapon built, or altered to be more portable/concealable and also without a stock with witch to put up against your shoulder. Legally considered a handgun when manufactured as such.

He almost got zombie kill of the week with his mare's leg.

by M3D13V4L October 16, 2011

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derived from the term hog leg which is slang for penis, it is the act of having sex with a female.

Hey man, I really wanted to go out with you and the guys but I got stuck hog legging my girlfriend and she wanted to hang out afterward.

I wouldn't mind hog-legging that chick even though she's kinda ugly.

by GPhorce December 4, 2009

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The persona exemplified by conservatism and backwoods bravado. This character can be found in any part of the world and the term defines all manner of sins including eating giant turkey legs at the county fair, wearing tall tube socks with very short denim shorts, and drinking Stag or Pabst Blue Ribbon beers. Can be used in both adjective or a noun form. Synonyms include "hoosier," "hick" and "white trash." Founded by Chip Benson after extensive research in middle America.

1. David Spade's character in the movie, "Joe Dirt" is a turkey-leg.
2. Any man, woman or child with mullet is a turkey-leg.
3. A person who owns a 1997 Camaro, Firebird or Mustang and follows Nascar avidly is a turkey-leg.
4. Any woman with dark roots, blonde hair, smoker's cough and a cigarette pouch coin purse is a turkey-leg.
5. Can often be named "Bubba" or "Angel."

by carjo12683 September 6, 2008

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Alternate, more literal, pronounciation of the word "legend" (generally pronounced "ledge-end")

He rocks, hes such a leg-end.

by R.A. September 2, 2004

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Crazy Legs

The way a person's legs act when walking/dancing after drinking way too much alcohol.

Chad got out his crazy legs on graduation night.

by t 04 February 16, 2006

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