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An electronic device that heats a nicotine-laced liquid into an inhalable vapor.

Yo... so, you feel so cool and trendy with your e-cigarette?

by rperazag July 8, 2010

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Any of a variety of differenr typing techniches used in IM, forums, or message boards. e-speak is usually hard to comprehend and somecases unintelligible. E-speak is in essance internet slang and the typing styles that come along with it.

e-speak looks like sometimes looks like this:

noob: hI GuYS whUts uP
noob: c.o.m.e.o.n g.u.y.s.t.a.l.k t.o.m.e
noob: wtf doods i jsut wanna talk 2 u guys
Moderator: Shut the fuck up and quit spamming before I break out my Ban Hammer

by Lost In Translation June 9, 2006

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often plural: a synthetic amphetamine analog C11H15NO2 used illicitly for its mood-enhancing and hallucinogenic properties called also MDMA, methylenedioxymethamphetamine, XTC (see also E

We took some e-bombers and rolled into the night.

by A Guy Named Gal March 19, 2005

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Avoiding someone electronically such as on Facebook, e-mail, IM, or text messages.

Guy #1: I sent Laura a message on facebook two weeks ago asking her what her plans are for New Years but she still hasn't responded.

Guy#2: Dude, it sounds like you're being e-voided.

by Steve-O-Matic December 15, 2009

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E - Head

Individuals who habitually take lots of Extacy and go out raving all the time. More used during the 90's in the rave scene.

"I went down the club last night but left early as there were a right bunch of E - Heads down there!"

by james fish May 10, 2009

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Pronounced: "eeequivalent."

An e-quivalent is the online version of a thing or situation in the real world. Often used to compare novel things on the Internet to familiar things in the real world.

The e-quivalent to shouting is TYPING IN ALL CAPS.

"All this girl's facebook photos are of her kissing her boyfriend."
"So annoying. That's totally the e-quivalent to making out in public."

by autonomy April 5, 2010

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(ee-jit) someone whose BBS posts are stunningly moronic, and who cannot seem to shut up; one who picks needless fights over minor grammar violations or other bits of minutiae

User 1: Who are you looking for? Which character?
User 2: Excuse me, but I believe the correct word is 'whom.'
User 3: Don't be an e-git. We all know what he means.

by BattleSchoolGraduate July 19, 2006

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