Source Code

Get Schwifty

To take off one’s pants and panties, and then proceed to take a shit on the floor.

β™« Take off your pants and your panties, shit on the floor. Time to get schwifty in here. β™«

by Anonymous5465113075 October 31, 2019

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Getting choir

When a female slobs on a man's Trouser Snake ...often done in the headroom..

Anonymous Person: YO Kid, I heard that Gnome gives great choir!

Gatty P: Hells yes son, I be Getting choir from that bitch all the time!

by Upstanding Pingree Student.. January 29, 2009

28πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

get the muscle

To be the recipient of sexual intercourse. The "muscle" refers to the penis.

The phrase "could get the muscle" by itself is synonymous with "is fuckable"; however, "get the muscle twice" is often used to indicate high attractiveness or physical beauty in a woman.

I guess after a couple more beers, she could get the muscle. But her friend with the fat ass; she could get the muscle twice.

by mkstyles August 9, 2006

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Get Twisted

This is from one of those dumbass "Above the Influence" commercials where the kids are sitting in a diner and one says to another "hey we about to go get twisted, you in?". The definition of "twisted" is never revealed, which confuses the audience because, frankly, nobody in history has ever said they are getting fucking twisted.

Stereotypical Black kid 1: Aye Mane we bout to go get twisted, you in?

Stereotypical Black kid 2: What the fuck? Are you hitting one me? I told yo gay ass I don't go that way! Shit I'm bout to get high and say fuck yall niggas. You can go twist ya dicks together for all I care!

by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 December 6, 2010

254πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž

get religion

to change up ways and policy as if having had an epiphany, often hypocritically

Lost a good f*ck buddy because she wanna get religion out of nowhere for the new year, knowing damn well I just got brain and the whole shot from her the month before!

Britney Spears got religion when her father took over her affairs.

by Kuahmel January 23, 2009

23πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Get a Life

A phrase told to people who waste their time. As told mostly to people who do nothing but play video games and or go to chatrooms and talk to people on the internet or use the internet all day and do nothing useful in life.

"OH MY GOD! Are you seriously on this stupid Chatroom about Sonic! Get a life already."

by TheCarolinaExperience June 29, 2015

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get off it

leave me or whatever alone

dude, "get off it"

by Colin August 8, 2003

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