an all round freak of nature who is stupid as fuk and needs to learn basic social cues
normal person: omg have you seen that new girl aimee jackson or smth
normal persons friend: yeah she is SO weird such a cretinous bastard honestly needs to wise up
cretinous bastard: my name is just aimee
Cheeky Bastard Energy, similar to terms like Big Dick Energy, is an effect someone has where you can just tell that they are a Cheeky Bastard.
"Hey you see that guy over there getting up to mischief?" "Yeah, I had a feeling he would. He just has that Cheeky Bastard Energy."
Youngsavage after going .5 seconds without eatin.
"this gluttonous bastard!"
A person who can’t control their laughter and giggles even during serious moments. This person laughs or giggles all the time, even at times where respect and silence is necessary. For example, during a funeral. This person is usually the most childish of the group.
Jimmy: “Hey John, wanna go out for a drink tonight?”
John: *laughing and giggling*
Jimmy: “what’s so funny?”
John: *uncontrollable laughing*
Jimmy: “you are such a giggley bastard.”
Someone who makes girls fall in love with them and then destroys their entire existence.
Did you see sulaimaan that “Top Bastard” make her infertile after the stress he caused
That guy has a “Top Bastard” condition
you fokking bastard is what you say to a fokking twat who is fokking sthcewpid
Any person from England you dirty pommy tranny English bastards go stick on a dress dirty sheep shagging bastards same with the Americans dirty tranny bastards!! Either if ur not English or are it you see this I’m gonna chop ur mum up you fat slag and you up
Did you see the pommy bastards o ye he was the biggest hairiest faggots I have ever seen