Source Code

scope out

To check out. To obtain more information about a particular place or thing.

Sarge: I need recon to scope out what's beyond that hill.
Recon: Yes Sir!
<Mine Blast>
Recon: AAAHH!! Sarge, I can't feel my legs!
Sarge: That's 'cuz.. you ain't got no legs!

by mungx2 May 10, 2004

56๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

lowry out

lowry out, lowrying out, lowryed out

The act of not following through with a previously agreed upon social obligation, often without giving any notice to fellow participants of your intentions to not appear.

"I know I said I would go out to the bar, but I think I'm just going to lowry out and stay home to watch spongebob"

"Derek said he was going to come visit us before he left for Australia, but instead he lowryed out"

by kfor April 5, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

vance out

To completely and utterly lose control of sanity, and the world around you, you are so filled with rage, everything becomes a blur of red; To publicly show your disgust towards something very minor and threaten to leave forever and never come back, only to be gone for maybe fifteen minutes. Originated from the character Vance, who was known for being very short-tempered and frequently lashed out at the littlest things.

Person 1: Did you guys see Beowulf earlier?

Person 2: Yeah, StickMUD crashed and he lost the precious, he suffered a very serious vance out. He might very well never be the same again.

by finnhater45 April 15, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

pulls out

Pulls Out; meaning : when a male is having sexual intercourse and is about to ejaculate or 'cum'. He 'pulls out', by pulling his penis out of his partner.

Girl: You better not cum in me.
Guy: Then you better sleep on the couch.
Girl: Why?
Guy: Cuz the couch pulls out


"Mom said that I'm here because Dad didn't pull out. "

by Polar.Bear February 27, 2017

31๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

scrape out

if someone just joins in and their not wanted they've just scaped in and u tell them to scape out

someone starts joining in something and their not wanted scrape out

by Anonymous October 23, 2003

86๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

smoked out

To have smoked pot with a buddy, or, to be invited to smoke pot.

You want to get smoked out?

by frbajx November 16, 2006

314๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž

in n out

Burgers made by God Himself

Let there be in n out!

by doitphaggot April 13, 2008

455๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž