Usually used by people from the DMV. Good bump means a good fight.
Person 1: ay you seen Shawn and Marcus slapboxing?
Person 2: yeah that was a good bump
Mad good is basically a way of accentuating the goodness of something, likes saying it’s really good.
Maureen: Did you watch that new movie?
It’s mad good.
When something like a car, couch or other is in good condition
The jumper is used but still in good nic (?)
.... spelling maybe wrong?
Girl: I had strawberry goodness with my boyfriend last night.
Best used in random moments. Fonz played out good you on Christmas bender 2012. Good you utilized usually while intoxicated, preferably on a thirty Thursday.
Fonz: Hey Phil where we going?
Phil: Good you?
Fonz: Not bad.
Good boy; how you describe a boy that treats a women well.
Friend #1: He bought me flowers
Friend #2: He’s a good nugget
When you’re at an awkward family gathering and trying to cover up a conversation about the dank weed you just smoked with your goons behind the shed with a wholesome family dinner meat of choice.
“fuck, that was some good steak”