A term used to describe people with Down syndrome
I went to the movie theater and there had a special event there was a bunch of lemon eyes there.
Internet slang: Chi Ning Meng, lit. eat lemons, the first letter of each word CNM, lit. f**k your mother
Below this thread, there were a bunch of people who spammed that they ate lemons
When you suck on a dick and it gives you sour lemon face
Dale didn't shower for 2weeks and when i sucked his dick it gave me cock lemon.
When you assalt some one who is annoying or getting on your nerves by squeezeing the lemon on their head and when your about finished you throw it their face.
My brother was getting me pissed enough for me to punch him in the face, but i didnt want to get punched back so i just got a lemon and e-lemon-ated him.
Trash p2w minecraft server scummy fake sale and scams you for your money it is a cash grab
Hey Liam have you heard of Lemon Cloud
Yes I have it is a really trash minecraftserver
nice ass shoes worn by girls named Stephanie
damn that bitch got some bad Lemon Peppa Stephers
When you try to draw or create a circle but it doesn't exactly turn out right and forms some weird kind of ellipse.
(there seriously needs to be word for this so I created one)
Phil had bitch lemons all over his page in art class