a friendly, well-mannered, kind and easy friend. a woman with a beautiful and charming face. a woman who likes making jokes. anis sarah is also an easy-to-approach person.
Hai is this anis sarah?
You're so good looking
Essentially a negative nancy. Someone who has no self confidence or faith in themselves.
"Hey Sarah how fo you think you're going to do in the meet this weekend?" - Mike
"I don't think I'm going to do well..." - Sarah
"You're being a Sad Sarah!" - Mike
Sarah Murphy is a manipulative person. atleast in my eyes.
"Who's sarah Murphy?"
"A manipulative person.."
Doing a Sarah is a term used to describe the action of googling whenever the need arises to research or cross-reference a specific subject. It is not used to describe random surfing of the internet.
Tegan: 'I'm doing a Sarah'
Roger: 'what?'
Tegan: 'Googling'
Roger: 'oh'
Satan who doesn’t think kids need beds, soap, or toothbrushes. I am a kid and I need a fuckin bed, ok? So just shut your fuckin pie hole, ok?
Sarah Fabian is the devil.
a real stand up guy. can and will shit on anyone who walks the earth. call sarah if you're looking to do any of the following: gossip, do donuts in a school parking lot (molloy college, floral park memorial, etc), get blacked out, dip anything edible in random condiments, stalk random people (via social media and in real life), or just fuck around.
you: hey sarah munro, wanna drive 45 minutes to get food and then end up just going to the wendys across the street?
sarah: sure. nothin better to do