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Put It On Your Skin

If u say something that you really mean,"Put It On Your Skin" because once it's on your skin,it's permanent. In reference to a Tattoo.It has a sense of honesty behind the statement that u made,when u "Put It On Your Skin".

No more swearing to God or putting anything on your kids.If u really mean what u say,"Put It On Your Skin" and I will believe you.

by King Hearns January 18, 2014

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porcelain skin

Whyte gurls wanting to sound not as whyte

Girl 1. "Omg Angelica has such nice porcelain skin"
Girl 2. "*Whyte"

by Riptyde August 4, 2014

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light skin-did

A very light colored african-american. Sometimes it is referred to biracial or mixed people. It is not light-skinned, it is skin-did.

That light skin-did boy pushed my baby girl down in the hallway at school.

by cartwright April 7, 2006

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Under my skin

When someone becomes to close to you too fast

Youโ€™ve gotten under my skin

by Cece_z July 21, 2021

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Snake Skin Suprise

A Snake Skin Surprise or The Dirty Snake Skin is when you amass a collection of used condoms, preferably used during anal sex, and then you leave them in strange unsuspecting areas.

A Snake Skin Surprise is best when it is a subtle suprise, so instead of putting the snake skin in the bathroom sink you should put it in a box of cotton swabs, or underneath a box of razor blades.

Other good spots to leave a Dirty Snake Skin are: behind a TV, underneath couch cushions, in glove boxes, toothpaste drawer.

Why the hell is this there a Snake Skin in my sock drawer?

Snake Skin Suprise

by K1LL_4_FUN March 2, 2011

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Sahara Skin Flute

When someone who has cotton mouth, from ecstasy or lacking a salvia gland, and sucks your dick.

"The bitch took so much mdma, water wouldn't wet her whistle, and she tried sucking my cock... It got stuck in her mouth, pleasureless, she was playing the Sahara Skin flute.

by Chrisplaydate March 22, 2015

Boy skin rug

Boy skin rug is a threesom thing where one person is the rug and the other two people are having sex on top of them.

Tim: hey susie, jim, do you guys want to do the ol' boy skin rug tonight?

Jim: yeah, as long as im the rug

by Catsgoyeet April 18, 2019