A young woman, from moroccan /german descent, who has to finish a vast amount of social media ads, while being understaffed
She is such an Asset Girl
A five nights of Freddy’s fan who has the biggest GYAAT
Person 1: I love Fnaf
Person 2: you got a gyat
Person 1: yes why
Person 2: then your a big booty goth girl
Catholic school girls who are known for being lesbian. Scared heart girls are fit but you never know who’s lesbian and who’s not. But not all of them are lesbian don’t be fooled lads. You can tell who they are by their skirts year 7s are nuns when year 10 and 11 are full on sluts. Their teachers care more about their skirt length than their education but overall a good school to go
Scared Heart is lesbian school
Do you see how long that sacred heart girls skirt is
the amount of boys vs the amount of girls in your class
james:whats ur boy to girl ratio
matt:12:16 (12 boys 16 girls)
matt: what about you
james: im in a all boys class :c
a pre loved clothing hunter typically fueled by coffee, tea, or dirty sodas, she will most likely go thrifting even though she is supposed to be getting an oil change for her car, she can spot a thrift store from a mile away, her outfits may or may not make sense but doesn't shy away from expressing her individuality, in other words a thriftheads girl is a raging thrifting badass.
Oh my god, her fit is so hot she must be a Thriftheads girl
When a marple girl is to ugly to pull marple guys, she has to go to a different school to get a boyfriend.
Damn, she got with that guy from haverford, she must have beat marple girl syndrome.
When a marple girl is to beat to get with anyone from her school, so she has to go to a different school to get someone.
Yo, that girl definitely has beat marple girl syndrome