It is the 9/11 of television made by evil orthodontist late night talkshow agent steven colberg
Person who cums: have you heard of skibidi biden
Person 2:it is the 9/11 of television *has vietnam world war 1/2 civil war ameriaca flashbacks*
Skibidi biden is a art piece supposedly created by Stephen Colbert. It consists of a animated head of Joe Biden inside of a toilet with a dull yellow striped with dull background, Skibidi Biden says "SKIBIDI BIDEN! SKIBIDI SKIBIDI BIDEN!" and claims 'Trump is speaking Hitler's language' (Hitlers language is German). Skibidi Biden is a very interesting art form representing the political state of the US.
"Welcome to the Goon Cave, Gerald. Whats on my screen? Well its goon sauce from watching Skibidi Biden"
When your spouse or significant other is so drunk or high at a party but you're still having fun so you decide to let him or her keep stumbling around the party talking gibberish and just generally making a fool of themselves.
Hey Karen, stop Jill Bidening it and take your drunk ass husband home, he's so drunk he's not making any sense and he's ruining the party.
When your spouse or significant other is too drunk or high at a party but you're still having fun so you decide let him or her keep stumbling around the party talking gibberish and just generally making a fool of themselves.
Hey Karen, stop Jill Bidening it and take your drunk ass husband home, he's so drunk he's not making any sense and he's ruining the party.
It's means supporting serious wrongdoing. When someone supporting any serious injustice that's means he has Bidened.
Biden has bidened the war of Israel against Palestine.
The war of Israel against Palestine has been bidened by Biden.
The media bidened the war by perpetuating biased narratives and misinformation.
It means supporting serious wrongdoing. of
Means to be Bidened. When someone supports a serious wrongdoing. That means he's Bidened.
1. The media bidened the war by perpetuating biased narratives and misinformation.
2.Biden has been bidened to the war of Israel against Palestine.
Bidenics: A portmanteau of the words 'Biden' and 'phonics' describing a variant of English popularized by 46th U.S. President Joseph Biden. The term 'Bidenics' is characterized by periodic inclusion of words - or possibly phrases - which may be considered unintelligible to speakers of most American or British English dialects.
Don missed key points from a recent speech, believing the orator was mumbling when in fact she was speaking Bidenics.