A form of beef which where 2 races are arguing
White people are in a Race War with Asian people
Sport/Game. Involves riding large women at the bar around for as long as possible. One selects his or her "rhino" competitor selects opposing "rhino", at a predetermined signal they mount. The winner is the last to be dislodged. Alternatively a preset "finish line" could be selected.
We are going rhino racing at the bar, will you join us?
The long scratches down the side of a Beanermobile.
Oh look...they modified their car with Modelo Racing Stripes.
The sport of getting to your destination quicker than suggested by your Sat Nav
Me and me mate Dave drove up the coast for the weekend and did a bit of Sat Nav Racing. Dave beat his personal record by 2 minutes. He was well chuffed.
When a bunch of guys have a competition to see who can cum first when wacking it.
wacking it cum skeet
Guy 1: I challenge you to a skeet race!
Guy 2: You're on!
When you and your mates are at the races and your board shitless so you decided to see who can cum the quickest.
The next race isn't for 30mins wanna have a Race Day Multi
The 2021 UK Census recorded that 2.7% of the UK population identified as being in a mixed race relationship. Further recent surveys have suggested that interracial couples make up 7% of relationships in England and Wales. However conversely, in "TV land" or more accurately television advertisements, 90% of the couples appearing in adverts appear to be in mixed race relationships.
I don't know what's going on, but I think there's something wrong with my new TV, every advert has mixed race couples in it. I tried adjusting the horizontal and vertical hold, but that didn't make any difference! So I phoned Curry's to complain, they said "not us, mate, you want the Advertising Standards Authority".