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Social entrepreneur

A fancy way of saying β€œunemployed”.

Emily has an anthropoly degree and is working as a social entrepreneur.

by Starbuckslaptopwriter June 1, 2018

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Social Queue

In a class, social gathering, etc. & you are only on small speaking terms with one person, while that person has more than one good friend in the class. You are stuck with trying to get their attention so you don't feel so alone, but are pushed to the back of their mind because they don't need to speak with you. You are left ignored & seeming desperate.

In every class I had in the 9th grade, I was pushed to the back of a Social Queue in every class.

by Doctor Loquacious January 27, 2016

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Social Snapshot

A misleading photograph typically displayed on social networking sites. Used to falsify appearance and physical atributes.

- "That bitch on Facebook is fucking hot."

- "Nah that bitch is fat as fuck, she just took her photo on that magic fat girl angle"

- "Gaih, fucknig Social Snapshots!"

by intergalacticbrotherhoodofU.D February 25, 2011

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social spam

To recommend products to friends, with the open or hidden intention to earn money, or in other ways try to profit from it.

Friend: This product is awesome! Please buy it!
You: OK, I'll buy one.
Friend: One?! Ha ha ha! No, you must buy at least 50, and then you must sell it to your friends to gain big profit! You'll be rich!
You: No thanks.
Friend: So you're saying no to big money – you're pretty slow, aren't you?
You: Fuck you and your social spam! And don't ever call me again!

by Mr. Turbo May 25, 2008

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Social Slut

A person who will be a part of any social group or clique because they have a need for constant attention from others. While the person will be a part of any social group of clique, they will never commit themselves to just one person or group of people.

She is such a Social Slut out late every night.

by Alibastar Jones September 24, 2018

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Social Bulimia

The act of getting fucked up every night to the point of uncontrollable vomiting as an extreme weight loss method.

"Damn, Gina got really skinny ever since she joined Pi Phi...total social bulimia"

by bitchwithabrain March 14, 2009

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social distance

Something that is a new norm but should have been the norm for many years

Sara: Bitch, you better get away from me, cuz I ain’t trying to throw the social distance card around, but you smell like a dirty ass that was fucked by a homeless guy.
Tiffany: ok, boo, I will remember that when you ask to borrow my lipstick next time

by Butter Mike April 28, 2020

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