Used to describe females but only used by a rapist named Jake
Sticky Neck occurs when you drink pop or juice laying down, which causes you to spill your drink over your neck and therefore make it sticky. A very common condition towards lazy people.
Drinking sprite while causes some horrible sticky neck
Female equivalent of Blue balls
He gave me a case of the Sticky Kitty after our date last night.
when you fart after ejaculation into the rectum and the semen seeps out
Adam: Yo Brain, I just heard that Sharon dropped a sticky dirt bomb on her way to work, is she okay?
Brain: *sigh* I'm not sure
the way you walk when your nutsack is sticky
"my nutsack was so sticky the other day, i think a group of people saw me do the Sticky Nutsack Walk"
a game where you take a half bottle of a whiskey of your choice the other half of bottle cum. you play rock paper scissors and whoever loses has to drink the bottle until they throw up or finish the bottle or they collapse
dude i was playing white n sticky whiskey with my girl and she finished the whole bottle first try and didnt even fall foen
damn dude your girl is a freak
When you ejaculate into someone’s mouth, but your spunk is a sickly yellow colour, and smells like vomit.
I was sucking my homie last night and he pulled a sticky sunrise.