uh i guess bob is your uncle or something
"Bob's your uncle mate!"
What the fuck?
A relative or close friend who is' homeless' and or jobless due to constant exotic travel to foreign destinations.
Bob - "Hey Jack, wanna hang out?'
Jack - "Oh sorry, Uncle Joe Hobo is in town visiting right now."
"My brother is an Uncle Joe Hobo. He was in Paris last week and today is in Shanghai."
Buying an item without a specified price
Dan: “ How Much Did That Cody? “
Cody: “ I Started Pulling An Uncle Betty, So I Have No Idea”
To go to a smoking spot and consume large amounts of cannabis. Usually through glass pipes and bongs.
Dude 1: Yo son, last night at the party, nearly 30 people went upstairs and were visiting uncle Jim for, like, an hour.
Dude 2: Damn dude, wish I was there.
1. The husband of one's grandparent's sister.
2. The brother of one's grandparent-in-law.
My great-uncle-in-law is a good person.
Step #1 person one lies down on the ground wearing uncle fester's coat pulled up to expose his erect falice.
Step #2 the second person does a hand stand over the top of person one's erect falice
Step #3 the second person begins to slowly Lower themselves down until the erect falice is as far down their throat as humanly possible (no visible falice is preferred)
Step #4 person one then places a lightbulb firmly in the second person's anus and then lays back down once the bulb begins to glow.
Step #5 enjoy uncle festers nightstand
That party was wild last night. I saw some chick get an uncle fester's nightstand on the kitchen counter
When your step father is the uncle but is also the grand father to your kids.
Girl is that the step uncle granddy to your kids.