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Douche Bagรฉ

1. A closed minded, thinks they are cool, conformist, jerk/slut, that feels everyone loves them and they are the best.

2. Vage Cleaning Device

Yes, I made a different spelling becuas eit wasn't on here...

Taylor is freaking Douche Bagรฉ.

by TaylorElisa January 19, 2009

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Douche Fairy

The sneaky douche bag who does douchy things in secret, most often stealing perfectly good food from your fridge while you're sleeping, and throwing straight in the trash.

Yo dog, this morning I woke up and my bucket of KFC was in the trash. I think I got visited by the douche fairy!

by Piros August 13, 2011

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A 1970's style camper complete with kitchen, bed, shower, and 76,000 gallons of douche.

"Mark, Don't be a copyright infringing douche-a-bago."

by Hipporhinocetops September 1, 2007

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douche crew

a gathering of 2 or more douchebags.

Look at all those popped collars! That's a complete douche crew.

by Skirish April 25, 2010

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heavy on the douche

This person has exceeding normal levels of douchiness and gone to the upper limits of douchedom. This person is almost laughable because of the extreme amounts of doucheocity he or she displays.

Guys with balls hanging from his truck is hevay on the douche. People with personalized license plates are heavy on the douche. Guys who wear gold chains are heavy on the douche.

by Anti Douchite April 5, 2011

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One who is the combination of a pessimist and a douchebag. Usually has a constant annoying, negative outlook on life and anyones ideas except theirs. If told they are a pessimist, they will usually try to play it off by being even more of a pessi-docuhe.

Serious cases of pessi-doucheness may result in the argument of how .999...=1 when clearly no one gives a fuck, a constant reminder of some past-argument which had something to do with their pessi-doucheness, or the rejection of hanging out with babes because they think it wont be fun

George "Hey lets go to that party tonight, theres gonna be a bunch of hot girls there, sounds awesome."

Charlie "Nah that doesn't sound too fun, lets just chill here and do nothing for another 4 hours."

George "God dam it your such a pessi-douche."

Charlie "No im not! Your the one with the stupid ideas."

by jajauaua October 6, 2009

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vape douche

Bro's who talk about vape non-stop and turn the smoke level to max on their vape devices so everyone knows how much they vape.

Look at the smoke coming out of the Windows of that car, it must be full of vape douches.

by guess my name win a fuck off December 25, 2015

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