Someone who...
1) Can vote.
2) Really hates Trump.
3) Still blames Trump for anything that goes wrong, even if it was out of everyone's control.
Person 1: "I voted blue last election."
Person 2: "So you're a Biden supporter?"
Person 1: "Well, we needed to get Trump out of office of course!"
Person 2: "I understand that, but what's something you like about Biden or his policies?"
Person 1: "...who's Biden?"
u are not that guy or ur not “hollywood”
friend: oh i didn’t see ur message
me: bru ur not joe biden stfu
Owes everyone a stimi and needs to cancel college loans.
Joe Biden owes me a stimi and he needs to cancel my college loans.
When to fuck someone so hard they start to stutter you gave them a Joe Biden.
My god, you mom just Joe Bidened me at the mo-mo-mo-motel.
The cousin of the crypt keeper from tales from the crypt. Also someone who is so old a out of it they really don't know what is happening.
Man, I popped 5 xanny bars last night and I was Joe Biden fucked up.