Source Code

Meal Team Six

Obese military hobbyists/posers who have a nice gun collection and chamo outfit, but zero military training. The kind of people who say "I hope somebody comes and tries to take my guns" and actually mean it.

(The name is in reference to the famous "Seal Team Six" who killed Osama Bin Laden)

Looks like Meal Team Six brought his AR-15 into Starbucks again, sigh.

by Karwash June 28, 2022

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Taking one for the Team

v. to take one for the team is best seen in the example.

also known as: "jumping on the grenade"

Joe and his four other male friends go to a bar. They come across four very hot women, and one ugly one. Joe, being the good and pure one to his friends, gets with the ugly one to spare his friends the agony.

Buddy 1: "Hey, have you guys seen Joe?"

Buddy 2: "Yea i saw him an hour ago, he left with a real fat grenade"

Buddy 3: "That Joe guy is a good man cause he always takes one for the team"

by Reggie Regg November 24, 2003

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Roblox Moderation Team

Roblox Moderation Team is the team that moderates roblox. They often like to use the ban tool like it's their own toy. For example, people can get banned for saying the word ''gay'' or something they have never said. The roblox moderation team usually never fix their platform or try to be smart with what they are doing.

Person : ###
Roblox Moderation team: We take this as discriminatory speech and we shall ban you now for 7 days
Person: What, that wasn't even something bad it was all hashtagged
Roblox Moderation Team: We are still banning you for 7 days
Person: Damn the Roblox Moderation team sucks.

by Perospero February 3, 2022

playing for the other team

a term used to describe one who has just come out of the closet and is gay.

Chelsea: hey Brendan is soooo hot, omg

Lauren: yeah...but he is totally playing for the other team, he's gay

Chelsea: are you kidding me???

Lauren: yeah he's definitely a shortstop

by sauce kid February 23, 2009

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Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2, often abbreviated as tf2 by players, is an online team-based FPS made by the Valve gaming company.

The game is based off a Quake mod made by a third party dubbed "Team Fortress" that involves nine different specialists who operate as a team to complete an objective such as collecting the enemy's flag or destroying the opposing team's fortress. This game was so popular when it hit the scene that Valve added it to their roster of games as "Team Fortress Classic" in 1999 and planned a sequel to be made in 2001 that would use the new Source gaming engine. The result of this is Team Fortress 2, the most popular online FPS to date.

Due to new content and game modes being released for its online players on a monthly basis, its very likely that this game will be in the top spot for years to come. If you have twenty dollars sitting around and a high performance PC there's no reason not to buy this game, especially if you have a steam account.

Dude 1: So anyway, you want to play some team fortress 2?
Dude 2: Play the best FPS shooter in the world? Hell yea!

by garryufo October 28, 2009

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government ski team

Someone who works all summer, and is on unemployment all winter, conveniently with a season ski pass. That is the whole idea...

guy 1 "Where does he work in the winter?"

guy 2 "He doesn't, he's on the government ski team."

by Alpino March 15, 2010

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playing for both teams

Having a bisexual orientation/tendencies.

She claims she's 100% straight, but after last night with that sorority chick we all know she's really playing for both teams.

by LDizzle July 7, 2008

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