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booger in the nose of progress

anything that impedes positive social or organizational evolution; a hindrance to social progress

the constant infighting over America's alleged role as world policeman is a booger in the nose of progress

getting bogged down in logistics and semantic quibbles instead of seeking true consensus is a booger in the nose of progress; can't we just lay our differences aside and find common ground in our shared interests?

we all live on one fragile planet: this quibbling about economics while our world dies is a booger in the nose of progress!

by Rok'n'rol Wannabe March 28, 2008

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Muff Diver's Nose

The condition when, after muff diving, all you can smell is vagina.

Jim got muff diver's nose after he ate Sheila out.

by ScholarlySexLife January 3, 2016

Snot Nosed Punk

A long haired rebellious teenager who irritates adults and doesn't follow rules. Likes to be difficult.

Adult: Don't you have homework to do you Snot Nosed Punk?
Teenager: Why don't you shut it you slim stringed turkey.

by dan_gleewang January 17, 2021

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mr potato nose

When a dude takes a shit as big as a potato and proceeds to put it on his nose, thereby being a Mr. Potato Nose.

"Dude you should have seen what Jackson did! He shit himself and put it on his face! He's gonna look like such a mr potato nose!"

by fantasychick1 May 29, 2020

Brown Nose Brigade

The ridiculously large group of "Yes People" who follow the "Big Wig" around whenever your place-of-work gets a visit from corporate.

Watch out, the COO is coming this way and they're bringing the whole Brown Nose Brigade with them.

by TrueArch September 28, 2021

nasty nose syndrome

a compulsive disorder wherein an individual is compelled to constantly be involved (directly or in an ancillary capacity) in OPB (other people's business) and somehow manages to bring out the worst, or highlight the negatives in any given piece of information, and MUST pass the news along to at least three other people.

Cubicle deskmate to "new girl" in the office: "Be careful about Phyllis, don't ever say a thing around her. Bless her heart, she suffers from Nasty Nose Syndrome."

by CamiRae Walter April 15, 2013

lamp her nose in

To neck/ make out with some one so rough and hardcore that you bend or brake the other person's nose.

"Becky needs a nose job now because dave lamped that shit in!"

"Did you see them two? They were practically lamping their noses in!"

Lamp her nose in: "man it was crazy last night, I lamped her nose in."

by JollyLamper December 8, 2017