Source Code

Ring Chaser

Kevin Durant

Leaves Oklahoma City Thunder ( the team that drafted him - Seattle Supersonic ) and his bestfriend ( Russell Westbrook ) to joinGolden State Warriors, even-tho the Warriors Beat them in the 2016 western-Conference Finals.. Joines Warriors just to win, and gives no fuck about loyalty...

So the definition of Ring Chaser is " Kevin Durant "

by JustTellingAllOfYouTheTruth July 3, 2017

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Ring Buster

When a mans ring or butt hole get busted by another man penis while performing the nigga flip or any other sexual position. If you get your ring busted you get your ring busted.

Hey bud why you walking funny?

Ahh man that Kitch busted my ring last night...im steel bleeding.

That Kitch has always been a ring buster.

by redwingsfanbase May 10, 2012

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Blown "O" Ring

This lovely problem occurs after a fun "filled" night of anal sex. Looks like a pink sock hanging from the anus.

Blakes mom hesistated to have anal sex due to fear of a blown "O" ring but could not resist.

by Johnny Jizzem April 21, 2008

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Red ring of death

its when your 360 plays with your emotions!!! when you turn it on expecting to kill some noobs in modern warfare 2 just to look up and see the red ring of death which indicates microsoft has just fucked u for 200 bucks cause now it is nothing more then a paperweight it's done its dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hateroner on phone:what up my nigga

friend:chillin bout to roll up some haze playing mw2 u??
hateroner: word!!! imma hop on now!!!!

(3 seconds later)
Hateroner: Fuck!!! Fuck!!! Fuck!!!! u 360!!!!!!!!
friend: dawg whats up????
Hateroner: nigga i just got the red ring of death

Hateroner:not fucking funny i knew i should have bought a ps3

by Hateroner July 24, 2010

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ring out the beaver

A short, slightly less offensive way for a female to say she has to go pee.
Derived from the term,"drain the snake," which is another way men announce they have to pee.

"I'm running to the bathroom because I've got to go, "ring out the beaver!"

by Stephknee July 31, 2008

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gay man's ring

when a man wears a thick silver ring, preferably with a wavy imprinted design, on his middle, pointer or thumb

Wow look at that guy's gay man's ring. He is either the lead singer in creed or poorly mistaken.

by jabone November 28, 2012

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Silver ring thing

Because good honest teenage hormones aint complicated enough without some crazy fundamentalist americans fucking things up.

You will never stop people fucking, live with it!

by Cillie August 21, 2005

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