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Reps Arm

When one arm is a lot darker in shade than the other because of the effects of sun. Caused by one arm constantly hanging out of the car window.

#1 "Hey you look weird. Why is one arm so dark and one white?"

#2 "I suffer from reps arm because I drive a lot"

#1 "Then you need to lie on that side all the time on your holiday mate!"

by migrosmarket June 27, 2013

The one armed balboa

In dodge ball, one who can swing the ball side armed and must be 300 pounds plus.

In elementary school we had a teacher we named the one armed balboa. She could hit anyone with a ball at deadly force.. This was before political correctness.

by Petesbeeps July 16, 2017

Armed guards

Aren't going to stop school shootings.

Hym "They can just pick another target. A mall. Wait for them to go outside for recess. Find out what time the school lets out and spray the courtyard. But there is a through-line. It's very consistent. Armed guards aren't going to do anything. Gun bans aren't going to do anything. What type of people shoot up schools? Is it almosted entirely groups of people who are demonized for one reason or another? Why not just stop demonizing them? 'Well, because demonization is an effective tool for ideological control and if we don't demonize them people will imitate them or won't be incentivized be more like me.' There it is. It's all just ideological control. That's you trying to reserve the right to control people. And if you're going to do keep trying it you're going to keep getting what you deserve..."

by Hym Iam April 4, 2023

an arm and a leg

too expensive

It cost me an arm and a leg to take my trip to Australia

by Woo ! March 1, 2016

An Arm and a Leg

When one of your limbs is ripped painfully from your body and a group of 12 men, one by one, stick their dicks into the bleeding muscles of your torn off limb and fill it with cum. Eventually the limb will lose blood and discolour but will still be rock solid from the dried cum.

Damn I would've given an arm and a leg for that!

by Have a dick September 1, 2021

slow left arm

A bowling style in cricket. Involves spinning the ball with the left hand's fingers. Is like the opposite of off-break (spinning the ball with the right hand). Moves from leg to off for a right-handed batsman.

P1 :Daniel Vettori's a slow left arm bowler, right?
P2: Yup. Too bad he retired from international cricket after the World Cup.

by Hayate Ayasaki August 23, 2015

arm surgery

What cara does to fix her arm (its built different)

What are you doing? Im just getting arm surgery!”

by Emma Laurence October 4, 2020