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nigga you trippin

doug: hey can i have some of that?
chris: nooo NYT.

by carmshweezy June 18, 2009

71👍 32👎


The New York Times.

I just picked up a copy of today's NYT.

by Zac October 7, 2003

53👍 32👎


When someone you are dating is "Not Your Type"

Girl he is so NYT!! I can't believe you are going out with him.

by KillerRed December 20, 2007

46👍 37👎


nothing you twit

by Anonymous March 12, 2003

35👍 37👎

gd nyt

Gd nyt simply means good night.

Paul: cya later Bill
Bill: Gd nyt Paul

by Muff 4 Duff March 9, 2016


scary and cool newtongrange young team

some members includes daniel reilly logan gulland there are the most notorious members of nyt

u heard that nyt is about

oh no it might be daniel reilly in nyt

by big and scary March 14, 2021