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The n-word

White people use this word to make black people happy.

Next time you see a black person, make sure to yell "HEY, YOU STUPID N*****!" at them.

It makes them feel at ease.

I Often use the n-word in the hood. ~ordinary white guy

by Small_White_Quacker July 30, 2023

Word Inception

When you look up the definition of a word and it has another word that you do not know.

Oliver Googled a word which used another word he didn't know to explain it so he was caught in word inception

by J. Crow March 11, 2017

quint word

Prologue: quantum the poor unfortunate soul whom had fallen victim to the most random event which had taken place in the history of the internet..

History: quint word was originally planned to be a caption to a goofy photo of squitward but a different image was selected, the event had taken place in a gc and had spread through the server called overture layout creators...

Today: quint word is a term that recalls the incident or used as a caption in another image.

Epilogue: quantum, i am, truly, sorry for such unfortunate, fate befall upon you, i hope you are doing well these days.

"quint word 2 will happen in August 25, 2023"

by DayNumber5 March 5, 2023

Gold word

Speaking the truth

Person 1: Is annie lying
Person 2: Nah she is speaking gold word

by Fvvbbbvv May 12, 2020

3👍 2👎

word bombed

Excessively long, rambling text messages

"Sorry I word bombed you the other day."

by Plasmaguy January 28, 2015

The Ally word

When a girl named ally from e.e.s.s. says the n word

Holy crap she said the ally word

by bruhmeme80085 May 27, 2022

kick word

word but more kick, just a straight viby word thats it thats all.

person 1: "bro that was so kick word"

person 2: "for sure"

by boomin4:20 April 20, 2021