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Green Coma

A long, coma-like sleep induced by cannabis.

I fell into a green coma last night and slept past all of my morning classes.

by mp36 November 12, 2009

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Green indian

Green indians are completely different to red indians. They are basically a typical indian person. They are usually from the north side of india and have a slight green tint in the skin.

Person 1 : woah dude look at that green girl
Person 2 : woooaahhh she must be a green indian

by Imwaitingforyou May 13, 2017

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liam green


liam green is a nerd

by ked_leader October 1, 2020

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green herbivore

Sometimes when a person gets stoned and stare at another persons face they can turn into things...like a green herbivore dinosaur!

me "Im so high man.."
green herbivore "i can tell you fucking clown shoe!"
me "DUDE! your a fucking green herbivore dinosaur!"

by Jesus The Stoner March 1, 2008

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green guilt

Green guilt is when you do something that is bad for the environment and feel guilty about it.

I forgot to bring my shopping bags to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's so I am feeling green guilt.

by lflqueen February 23, 2009

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green bomb

2 shots lime vodka
2 shots regular vodka (rail shit)
sum orange
sum sour
and that's fucking it.

Mix in a shitty plastic cup and then drink it, repeat.

"Man I don't remember shit from last night" said Carl.

"That's because you had like a dozen green bombs, that just doesn't happen" said Tom.

by Carllikestodrinkandfalldown November 30, 2013

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green cavalier

A not actually green more so turquoise four wheeled hot box, keeps the name green cavalier hence the amount of marijuana smoked inside of it.

Holy fuck look at the patch job on that green cavalier, is that done with papers?

You don't need tinted windows with the green cavalier, resin takes care of that.

by theproposterouspenguin January 30, 2009

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