Source Code

Providence Pickle Beard

The act of placing multiple penises on someone's chin.

Truman: How many penii in a Providence Pickle Beard?
Lori: Five. Four, if you're being lazy.
Truman: You record?
Lori: I'm just lazy.

by Elite CAT September 25, 2009

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Santa Clause Beard

The act of ejaculating on a woman's chin and upper lip and then sitting in her lap and telling her what you want for Christmas.

So I game my girlfriend a Santa Clause beard last night and she loved it so now she is getting me a PS3 for Christmas.

by Peter Goziner September 9, 2011

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bearded whirl wind

When a bearded man, or a guy with a beard, rubs his beard in a circular motion on a girl's vagina.

Bill: "Dude, I totally did the bearded whirl wind on her last night!"

Ted: "That's fucking awesome"

Bill: "Yeah mayne, she went cahrayzee"

by nipple_fuck June 26, 2009

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Soap Sud Beard

You know it's that thing when a hobo becomes a rich man so they take the big bubble baths.

After Jesus comes back he'll totally have a soap sud beard.

by Clorox Breakfast June 16, 2010

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bearded-faced lie

A statement that sounds like a lie, but is actually true.

Obama's claim that a public option will save money is a bearded-faced lie.

by perfectlycromulentwordguy March 9, 2010

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Merlin's beard

When having sex with a young lady one withdraws his love staff at the point of ejaculation and sprays his love muck on the lady's chin. The jizz should start to hang down off the chin, creating a rather fetching white beard look, similar to Merlin's.

"Hey guess what Rich, I did a Merlin's beard on your mum last night!"

"Oh right I just thought she hadn't shaved!"

by Ste Crayston December 5, 2006

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Bum Beard Bandit

A fag, a homo, a gay man, a poof, etc.

Self explanatory, innit?

Piss off you bum beard bandit! Fuckin' 'ell, do I look like I like it up the chuff?!

by Doctor Tchock October 5, 2006

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