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beach video

A video of two homos at the beach holding hands Execpt it didnt actually ever exist and fltwt somehow still fall for it everytime its mentioned.

beach video anon: hey so i saw ranboo and tubbo on the beach holding hands but-
the whole of fltwt: HOOLY SHITT!!!!!!

by fruityduotruther August 4, 2021

Spinning Beach Ball of Death

The rainbow-colored beach ball/pinwheel that pops up whenever you force-close an app or your mac is slow.

Guy1: I got the spinning beach ball of death again
Guy2: So? Who cares?

by fakename06 December 29, 2018

Beach Skunk

What you say when you smell pot at the beach

smells like a beach skunk

by br3ckhouse March 26, 2022

beach panties

A word super awesome cool ass people use for bathing suit bottoms

Damn Cameron I forgot my beach panties.

by Camarity May 14, 2018

Beach Pirate

Typically roaming the halls of the flip, beach pirates find their natural habitat in the harry potter closet. They prance, dance, and trump all day long. Derived from the somalian word beeatch periatez. Can often be spotted on the beaches of california, hawaii, texas, louisiana and ¿new mexico? I guess...even though they don't have a beach?

Dude, that is a shibbystastic beach pirate!

Hey bro, lets shred the lefty loopies like true beach pirates on our shredsticks.

There is a beach pirate in the flip!

Gretchen, stop trying to make beach pirate happen. It's not going to happen!

by brrenlissa! June 12, 2011

Myrtle Beach 23

A woman who, under normal circumstances, that being outside of the city limits of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, is objectively a 10 on a 1-10 scale of attractiveness.

This therefore implies that the scoring ratio in Myrtle Beach is approximately 2.3 times more generous than normal.

The equation is as follows:

Derivative of (# of chins*SQRTweight)- (stench radius in miles) + (# of teeth-(Pi*children on leash))

Jim- “Wow, that girl is SMOKIN!”
Mitchell- “Dude what do you mean? She has bags under her eyes and her skin is peeling mid. She’s extremely mid.”

Jim- “Exactly! She’s a certified Myrtle Beach 23!”

by Eebydeeby69 July 17, 2022

Malexory Beach

A beautiful manmade beach off of Bard Rd. in Muskegon; Malexory Beach is basically a kiddie pool filled with hot water carried outside from the bathtub in buckets, a small amount of sand/dirt, and one bright colored umbrella

What's the weather like at Malexory Beach?!

by imalwaysdown January 1, 2011

1👍 1👎