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YG New Girl Group with Singapore members and Korean members.

YG New Girl Group with Singapore members and Korean members.

YG New Girl Group with Singapore members and Korean members.

by syafinaz confirms that? November 21, 2023

Sarah Girl Is Sick

When a woman is on her period. Sarah girl means vagina, sick as in bleeding (period).

It's that time of month that Sarah Girl Is Sick again.

by RayRay79 June 20, 2021

Riverside Girls High School

A place where girls are constantly getting pregnant by the "pussy eater" named MCneAL. Her calves are so big and fat that she could suffocate you with them... Don't go to this demon birthing school... we have furries and Mr willy. you don't want that.. SO FOR YOUR OWN SAKE PLEASE DONT COME TO THIS PLACE OR THE WILLY MAN WILL COME AND EAT YOU..

Riverside Girls Highschool is the perfect breeding ground for furries.
Mcneal: I took my student's shitting rights away, and now they're all constipated and emo
Willy: That's Riverside Girls High School for ya

by Mcneals Long Lost Dad April 4, 2023

hot girl zoom

when you zoom in while taking a selfie (normally a mirror selfie). this helps make the angle / position of your phone less awkward, while also adding a slight aesthetic vintage grain. most importantly, it decreases the quality of the image, smoothing out your skin and making you appear hotter.

“omg, you look so good in this selfie!”
haha thanks, i used the hot girl zoom.”

by bumbleebee December 24, 2019

Toy Girl

A “Toy Girl” is not dissimilar to a Munch or Boy Toy.

Sometimes shortened simply to “Toy”, this term is predominantly used by the lesbian community to describe a partner, typically submissive, who performs sexual acts without receiving any in return.

These individuals are often inexperienced and are exploring their sexuality via a more experienced and dominant partner.

I’m tired, if I take anyone home tonight, I only want a Toy Girl”

“Now that I have a new Toy I’m not texting my ex anymore”

by KeithSuburban June 12, 2024

Pest girl

A girl that lives in her mothers basement and takes charge whenever her mother tells her to, with her mother as her backbone and support.

The pest girl is gonna be there tonight.

by Solid Mantis August 23, 2019

Pest girl

A female pest.

Guy- The pest girl is gonna be at dinner, she might try and eat my food.
Guy's friend- Well, bring bug spray pal! If she can still breathe after you spray that shit on her, she will at least try and eat some other dude's dinner. Most people ignore her until she goes and eats some other dude's dinner. She does that with about five guys on a regular basis.

by Solid Mantis June 22, 2019