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Minor Attracted Person

otherwise known as MAP, it's a seemingly less worse way to say a disgusting fucking pedophile

person on twitter: im a minor attracted person, not a pedo
other person on twitter: no you stupid fucking bitch your a 40 year old pedophile who wants to date children. go get a fucking life you piece of fuck i hate all pedophiles

by the_fucking_legend. January 5, 2021

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Asshole Personality Disorder

A formal psychiatric diagnostic category explaining the complicated underlying characterological components of a complete and total asshole.

I eventually came to discover that my β€œex” was suffering with a sad and pervasive diagnosis called Asshole Personality Disorder.

by Dr Bunnygirl September 30, 2019

sawn off person

A person who is that short that they appear to have been sawn off, much like a sawn off shotgun

Carl says: DAMN! Tilda is such a sawn off person she can't even see over the steering wheel and has to sit on the yellow pages!!

Joseph says: She sure is matey..

Tilda says: Get Fucked!

by robelliott September 9, 2011

avoidant personality disorder

avoidant personality disorder is a condition often characterized by: hypersensitivity to perceived or real rejection and a pervasive, extremely low self-esteem.
this inevitably leads to intense social inhibition to the point where the avoidant person tends to avoid social contact with all but those whom he knows for certain will not reject him.
this, in turn, can lead to the avoidant person compensating for his/her lack of social interaction by constructing a complex "fantasy" world, through which he experiences those things that he feels himself incapable of experiencing in real life (love, acceptance, etc.).
it may also lead the avoidant person to assume a defensive position while in contact with others, so he can reject others before they reject him.

treatment is usually therapy.

a person with avoidant personality disorder believes himself to be so personally unappealing that he withdraws from social life, so as to avoid the pain of rejection. this, in turn, causes others to perceive him as uninterested in social life, and they may ignore or even ridicule him. this, of course, reinforces the avoidant's beliefs that he is inferior, and leads him to further withdrawl.

avoidant personality disorder may often be connected to clinical depression.

by chapstick November 10, 2005

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narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of grandiose thoughts and/or behavior, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents while minimizing failures, expects to be recognized as superior without earning that reverence).
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love; often becomes a life goal.
3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
4. Requires excessive admiration, regardless of whether they earned the admiration.
5. Has a sense of entitlement, unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance from others.
6. Exploits other people, using them to achieve his or her own ends.
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

Narcissistic personality disorder often manifests in corporate CEOs, politicians (like Kim-Jong Il, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, etc.), cult leaders (like Jim Jones, David Berg, Warren Jeffs, Joseph Smith, etc), corrupt authorities, corrupt clergy or religious leaders, criminals (like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Gertrude Baniszewski, Diane Downs, etc), celebrities (like Rush Limbaugh, OJ Simpson, Donald Trump, etc.) among others.

Personality disorders usually overlap and the narcissist shares many traits with the paranoid, histrionic and antisocial personalities: the paranoid and the narcissist are both often irrationally suspicious and distrustful but the paranoid acts in self-defense while narcissists fear any exposure of their failures and flaws; the histrionic and narcissist both want to be the centre of attention, but the histrionic is usually playful, dependent, is more exaggerated in emotional display, and craves *any* attention (good or bad) while the narcissist is haughty, exploits others, and will only accept admiration; the antisocial personality and the narcissist are both ruthless, glib manipulators who ruin lives but the antisocial personality does not need excessive admiration, is deceptive, impulsive, aggressive, and degrades and manipulates others for profit or pleasure while narcissists publicly disparage others, think of their futures, and bully others to bolster their own egos.

by Lorelili April 9, 2012

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Liquid Personality

a: the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual from his/herself when wasted ; especially : the totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional characteristics in drunken state b: a set of distinctive traits and characteristics that apply to the individual only while under the influence of alcohol.

Looked like you had a great time at the party last night!
Party? Oh...that was not me, you must mean my liquid personality.


Jenny’s liquid personality has arrived! Let’s get this party started.

by GRKGRL June 30, 2009

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White Person Lottery

White Person Lottery (WPL) is a term used to describe the immense luck a (white) person has when they obtain a large amount of money or property that they never could have earned on their own. In most cases this is through inheritance, but it can also occur through marriage. The term has a very natural sound to it and is used regularly on reddit and other popular internet blogs to describe generally very ungrateful people who are depressed for no obvious reason despite being incredibly lucky to be where they are in life. The natural offshoots of this term are MPL (Mexican Person Lottery), APL (Asian Person Lottery) and BPL (Black Person Lottery).

Guy 1: Why do you think she behaves like that all the time?
Guy 2: Classic example of a White Person Lottery winner. People who have won it have a hard time imagining that others have not won it too.

Guy 1: I feel so lucky to be an American!
Guy 2: You would feel even luckier being a White Person Lottery winner from Iceland with free university and a warm, million dollar house to relax in.

by Eric Kazinsky February 3, 2015

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