Source Code


a legend in his own lunchtime, this guy has lept to the defense of geeks everywhere under fire by the knuckle dragers of the world and the drooling neanderthals that populate irc and have screwed it up for the rest of us.

Animation-303 rox0rs

by narf March 16, 2005

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

animal man

a flamboyant, seemingly homosexual man-creature, with the first name of something very much like a last name and uncommon,like Salyer, who has curly auburn hair and a good sexual appetite. He hunts pedophiles and rapists, but also preys on men who resemble one, (see rape-stache).He is the secret weapon against pedophiles going after your little 13 year old sister at timeshare resorts. His signature attire is a leopard print thong, hence his name. He has white, hairy legs. He WILL break in your room and attempt to convince you that he will sexually assualt you. If you continue to be a pedophile, he will take action. He has a team of animal men, many who also wear thongs and have hairy legs. Watch out for these highly dangerous creatures. Also, beware of his mating call. His female counterpart is the mexican man-woman maid, the Cody. (S)he will attempt to convince you she is room service, but this is how her and the animal man trap you. Or, better yet, do not be a pedophile.

-\\\"I hear you were creeping on Linda. Isn\\\'t she 14?

\\\"Your point?\\\"

-\\\"DUDE you are 26! The animal man is gonna get you\\\"

by funkyicing May 17, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anime PFP

Argument used by a person who has no creativity and can't think of a good argument.

Person: *opinion*
Loser: no, also anime pfp

by Polipoli097 May 10, 2022

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Animal style

A white claw and or seltzer that has an extra shot of Vodka in it.

Yo get me a white claw... Animal style.

by Boston boy1 April 3, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Balloon Animal

a person who goes through condoms like crazy

Dude, so I have this new girlfriend, we have sex 24/7.... she's turning me into a balloon animal

by ediddy27 August 7, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

animal raper

gemma, thats all is needed =

'that bitch is a gemma, an animal raper'

by ncvadiuvsnlf December 23, 2008

3๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

anime addict

a person who is addicted to anime-- and socially awkward or strange.
if a guy: they only study and watch anime
girls: freaks who have no social lives
white: they are extremely strange for having an addiction for japanese cartoons.

- includes porn= cartoons having sex with each other, which makes these pariahs and socially awkward people very horny(making t hem come back for more) This is also a substitution for real sex because they cannot get some (part of the reason being that they watch anime)

That girl in colorguard is an anime addict.

I don't want to go to the dance or hang out with others. I think I'll go home and watch anime, because I'm an anime addict.

That anime addict watches Naruto instead of Gossip Girl.

by stunnarshades October 16, 2008

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