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Tamborine player

A gay guy that taps that ass

Mike is a tamborine player

by Alex love April 10, 2017

player phone

Somebody who's an asshole and cheats on girls

Yeah my girlfriend dosnt even know I have a player phone!

by Your average girl March 17, 2016

NOOB Da Player

The most awesome Youtuber ever, the most coolest dude ever. got the best vids

NOOB Da Player: a guy who makes YouTube videos titled "do I suck at (insert game title) yes"

example being defined


subscriber: check out NOOB Da Player's Coolest video that isn't a scam

insert the The Epic Games store incident

by NOOB Da Player Fan#1 September 10, 2023

players special

What a prostitute replies with when you ask how much cause she's really into you.

So how much to fuck and suck sweetie? "For you babe, I'll give you the Players Special" cause I'm diggin you sweetie. Damn you fine nigga. discount hookup

by Sippin' Sangria September 1, 2015

Player’s Game

A game in which you can do anything to your opponent within the givin time EXCEPT touch then with your hands. Who touches the other first loses

- ever heard of the Player’s Game?
- no

by AnonymouslyYoursTillMore April 20, 2021

Paycheck Player

An athlete, with a guaranteed contract, whose talent level has severely declined but is still on their team's active roster because cutting them would impact the team's salary cap more than retaining them would. Paycheck players often check out during games and don't pull their full effort into their performance knowing that they're only viewed as dead weight for their team by fans and management. They nonetheless show up and put in minimal effort to keep up appearances and continue to get overpaid.

At this point in his career, Kirk Cousins is nothing more than a paycheck player for the Minnesota Vikings at quarterback.

by Stang September 20, 2020

Bronze player

An individual who lacks skill and/or talent in video games

Dude, we wrecked that bronze player last night!

by Captinpickel January 15, 2016