A finger so fat it looks like a bun.
Look at the bun finger on her!
When you run your index finger under cold water and then stick it in ur bum hole
Mmm I think I'll ask my girlfriend for a chilly finger tonight
When an artist loses their tool for a project and now has to their finger
“I lost my Apple Pencil, it’s Finger time!”
The act of getting fucked over for a position or during a transaction
I think my boss just finger rolled me over that full time position I applied for.
When the string of the Hoodie is out of the hole and you need to finger it back in
"OMG"! "Edoardo so good at being a hoodie fingerer"!
A sex move that involves three people. Two are engaged in the act of intercourse, and a third parties "dead arm" is used to jerk, stroke, bate, bang, blast or jiggle one of the two person's genitals during the act of sex. The third partner is just a hand donor and seeks no rewards.
Miles, your arm is needed for a finger blasting at 12p pacific standard time. Please come to our house, pre-dead armed and ready to award the skeleton finger.
A substitute for an actual hair comb or brush that you do not have.
You: Dang, I left my hair brush in my other purse.
Concerned friend: I have one, do you wanna borrow mine?
You: No thanks, you may have lice, I'll just finger comb my hair.