the act of shitting on someones face, flattening it out, jizzing on their eyes and mouth, licking it all up, all while the person who is getting the pancake is asleep. usually it can count as rape.
Derek: dude that bitch took my Pancake like a real cum slut last night
petey: i did that to your mom last night too
A former heterosexual person, who only discovered their homosexuality because of a homosexual partner. They are referred to as a pancake because they were "flipped" to the other side.
Stacy was straight, until she met Jill. Stacy didn't understand her crush on Jill but went along with her feelings. They eventually started dating. Stacy is a pancake.
*Jill, in this example, is a Spatula .
To mention anything you like and you are into, usually use as noun/adj.
A term used by Okinawan girl who fell in love with pancakes and start naming anything "pancake" for what she really likes. Could be a person, people follow you can be "pancake" as well.
Or to describe things you like but don't know a name of it.
1. lover, baby,gf/bf
2. followers, fans
1. cute, adorable
example of Pancake(s)
1." my ex was the hottest pancake ive ever had"
2."There's one pancake that always likes my posts"
" i have too many inactive pancakes"
1." omg that tiny Pomeranian is so pancake!!"
The sorry for the crime you didn't commit.
"Yeah, I've just been really sad since my dad died..."
"Oh god, man, pancake."
A person who researches and documents video game mechanics and glitches in great technical detail, esp. as it pertains to beating a video game with as few A presses as possible.
This pancake just saved an A press by knowing exactly how ledge grabs work.
A flat thin penis with lots of girth but little length
Holy shit Landon has a pancake