One who while pouring shots spills even a little bit.
Steven was such a no spilling bastard, he poured half the bottle on the table pouri g shots.
A man who gets a threesome with two women.
"My girlfriend is actually quite into women."
"You lucky bastard!"
An ego bastard is someone who has a large ego, an ego that is not induced by anyone but themself. Though, they might have the skills/strength to back their ego up.
Girl 1: “Gosh he’s so confident. He is SUCH an ego bastard”
Girl 2: “Hey at least he can back it up though”
Something bakugo would say to y/n
In a text message
-Cute Bastard
-You're a cute bastard
A person born of parents not married to each other, who practices mindfulness
You know Sandra and Daves youngest one meditates for an hour each day now? Yeah the couple who never married, lives three doors down that’s right. The kids a thoughtless bastard.
A bastard who is not worthy of having two balls.
girl 1: Tom broke up with me!!
girl 2: Oh my God!! He is such a one-balled bastard!!