It’s hard to describe the ginger bus driver, he’s just there. Not emo but just there.
Nobody has ever heard him speak apart from when he shouts at year 7s to sit down, he’s a real misery of a man
( if that’s what you can call him)
Did I mention that he’s an absolute unit of an alpha male, he began the species many years ago of ginger bus drivers
“ Have you had the ginger bus driver yet?”
“ No, he looks nice”
*Stands up for one millisecond*
Ginger bus driver- “FIND A SEAT“
“FIND A SEAT” ~ Ginger bus driver 2022
A day where ppl with ginger hair rule the world (June 1st) and if anyone says no tell them its international ginger day
Bob : hey u cant go there
Jeff : ughh yea i can its international ginger day
Bob : oh sorry u can pass
an army of ginger chilren. lead by Ronald McDonald. these kids are out to slaughter the non gingers of the world. subliminal, suicide provoking videos such as ronald mcdonald insanity (as found on youtube) have been put out by them. if you pay attention to look at gingers you will notice they are most times in green or camoflauge.
1. i think travis might be part of the ginger kid army, his jeep is green.
2. a battalion of the ginger kid army walked into mcdonalds in an attempt to assasinate me, but i drown them in the restroom.
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When a paki has relatives who are ginger and then develops ginger hairs on themselves.
Christopher : Oh no , Alan ! I have found a ginger hair in my pubic region! Take a look hunny.
Alan: Must be The Paki Ginger Gene! EID MUBBARICK PAKI!
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When someone (Conor) has dark hair and gets called a ginger.
"You're a Black Licorice Ginger"
"IM NOT A GINGER!" *squeak*
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knocking on someones door and running away to piss them off.
man 1:{knocks on door}
man 2: im coming im comig {gets up and walks to the door to open it}
man 1:{runs away}
man 2:ive been knock down gingered
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