Source Code

Penis Music

Music that's good for your penis

I listened to penis music and my penis feels good

by Hamtaro February 26, 2020

56๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

Musical Penis

A sex game involving one man and several women. The object of the game is similar to musical chairs with the exception of the man's penis is substituted for the chair. There are a few variations in gameplay, such as the man lays on his back or is standing. Like musical chairs, while the music is playing, all the girls circle the man, and when the music stops, the girl who gets the man's penis in her vagina first wins the round. The reward for winning varies, but can include having sex with the girl first, and then waiting until the man is ready again. Play continues until there is one girl left. She is the loser, and typically must submit to having anal sex as a "punishment."

Sometimes, the game could be played as a sex matchup game instead, with an equal amount of guys and girls, and only one round.

Man:*in a room with a bunch of naked girls* Who wants to play musical penis?

Girls: Yay!!!

*they start playing*

Girl: Yes! I win! Haha! We'll be back in a little while!

*game continues until there is one girl left*

Girl: Aww dammit...I lose.....oh well! *bends over*

by Mr. Roflcoptergoes soisoisoiso April 15, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Music Laundering

The act of using a recording software to record music from Youtube or some other free place to avoid paying for the music. This way it seems like you bought the music, when you really didn't.

I was music laundering and found it.

by Chainedtothegang January 4, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

devil music

music of an instrumental based variety and scary to those who mainly listen to RnB and other Essex-based musical genres

"Ere, get that fackin' devil music off the wireless and put some Bam Bam on instead"

by Nathan Bennett July 20, 2005

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Drug Music

Drug Music is hard to define,

it is music that one learns to truly appreciate after the consumption of drugs--
This is not necessarily music that one listens to on drugs, but rather it represents the illogical, aimless, and chaotic condition of one's mind post-drug consumption.

Drug Music is often associated with electronic music--
heavy basslines, beeps, clicks, creeping acid synths, and other sounds that stimulate one's brain, flicking the g-spot of one's mental pleasure center. Drug Music, or DM is often devoid of logical lyrics (IE no ballads or love stories), instead there are often repeated words or phrases. A person who likes Vampire Weekend for example, would not understand the concept of Drug Music, and instead find it confusing and threatening.

Mind Dimension 2, and Positif by Tiga and Mr. Oizo respectively, are two classic examples of what defines drug music.

(that's some damn good drug music)

by leroyhacks March 10, 2011

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maybach music

the state of being in a calm and laid back manner.

I'm good, I'm chilling in maybach music mode.

by kitkat k April 21, 2009

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Tetris Music

Music that is created to fill a niche in the market. Named in reference to the great Gameboy Classic, Tetris.

Avril Lavigne is the queen of Tetris Music!

by Jackelrayn June 27, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž