Well...woman don't have balls, so the term is analogous by gender to the phrase breaking your balls for men. Because women definitely need some ovary breaking I think you would agree.
I don't really have to take a shit honey...I was just breaking your ovaries. So keep sucking my cock.
The act of inviting a girl into your home to get laid by watching Breaking Bad. Step 1: watching the 1st episode. Step 2: about 20 mintues into the 2nd episode, move closer to her. Step 3: once the 3rd episode starts, insert your penis into her vagina. Your welcome.
Wow dude! I just pulled of the Breaking Bad method last Light! She was totally blown away!
A rather unusual change in the daily social activities, usually in large numbers, between the months October and November (length and date may vary according to location) usually, though not limited, for students.
The effect occurs when majority, if not all, social activities come to complete halt. This can be observed most vividly in the internet socialization sites (i.e. Facebook, Myspace, etc.).
Many are prone to being affected by "The Fall Break Effect" and can happen with or without warning. Some show verbal signs to others by mentioning a trip, while some may disappear without warning.
Now, exactly where the affected individuals travel are unknown. The only factor that is shared in common, is the fact that social communication is cut dramatically, especially on the internet.
The correlation of the internet and "The Fall Break Effect" is not known as of now. The only known fact is when the time of "The Fall Break Effect" arrives in the area, the affected students, for a limited time, change their daily activity and reduce the social activities.
...With Warning...
Bob: Hey, I'm gonna be gone for about a week. My family and I are taking a trip to my Grandparent's.
Joe: Oh, well have fun.
*a day later...*
Joe: hmm...Bob isn't on Facebook, or on Instant Messanger as usual...that's strange. Ah, must be "The Fall Break Effect."
...Without Warning...
Joe: Ah, it's fall break! Time to talk to my friends.
*uses internet social site*
Joe: Wow, 9 of my 10 friends who are constantly online are all of a sudden not...that's strange. Maybe it's "The Fall Break Effect."
When you bang a girl so hard that her legs take on a state of pseudo paraplegia, making it almost impossible for her to use the bathroom.
“ we haven’t you used the bathroom yet?”
“ I can’t move to get there after round 6, my legs have paraplegia right now”
“ achievement unlocked: paraplegic potty break “
“ come on I’ll carry you there”
When someone gets a new job in Asheville but it pays less than $10 an hour and you have to deal with assholes tourists all day. They go on their lunch break on their first day but never come back.
Bro 1: "Dude congrats on the new job, how's first day going?"
Bro 2: "Dude that place is wak af, gotta deal with assholes all day and I'm getting paid shit. I'm gonna take an Asheville Lunch Break, fuck this place!"
Making such a deep and universe-transcending reference, that one references metaphysical limitations or extrapolations, culminating in a mind-blowing experience. Called the eleventh wall because it references the idea in String Theory that there are 11 dimensions.
"So I was Breaking the Eleventh Wall so badly when I was telling my friend about how everything from poop to quantum mechanics demonstrate the metaphysical connections to reality."
-Some Random Guy On a Street
Lohkz from tinychat
Look at that lohkz over there. Those law breaking mexicans always at it.