An event that occurs when a game developed on roblox, fucks itself up this usually happens on PvP games when you're killed or hurt by an object that was a few centimetres away from you. This also applies to grabbing items when someone is chasing you with something you'll be killed by an invisible space. And when you're killed in an obby because you jumped too hard
Person: Playing PVP roblox game
Person: Gets killed by a tiny flying object thats just out of reach
Person: What the fuck? Oh, its just the game having a Roblox Moment.
zuru is a roblox myth also known as ZuruTheGod on roblox he is pretty creepy with his game dont sleep having 200+ visits a church forest house tower and tent he also likes to have guests
hey have you heard of this cool urbandictonary that tells you what zuru roblox is
use that star code or get oofed
some cringe blind braindead retarded creature from a "horror" game in roblox called DOORS
Guy 1: omg i like roblox figure
Guy 2: you suck
some cringe blindass retarded character from roblox DOORS game
Guy 1:UMG RoBlOx FiGuRe So ScArY
Guy 2: fuck off
roblox tos is a fucking shit thing that is absolute garbage like what i said hi and ''Permanently banned''
Roblox TOS is extraordinarely bad
A roblox user that looks like they just made their account 10 minutes ago(exaggeration) and suck at the game you found them in
You: The server is full of roblox crackheads